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Ternidentoz (Latin ternidentosis) — the helminthosis from group of nematodoses caused by Ternidens deminutus, and proceeding with the colitis phenomena.

Ternidentoz's symptoms:

Having got into intestines of the person, larvae are implemented into thickness of a mucous membrane, forming parasitic small knots. 6 — 8 days later they leave in a gut gleam again, are attached and gradually turn in the puberal helminths which are erythrophages.
In an early phase of a disease there is a skin itch, urtikariya, an eosinophilia are observed. In a late stage — nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, locks, ponosa, sometimes develops anemia. At weak intensity of an invasion perhaps asymptomatic current.

Ternidentoz's reasons:

The activator — a nematode of Ternidens deminutus (Railliet & Henry). Males (9,5 x 0,56 mm) and females (16 x 0,7 mm) have similarity to ankilostomida. Eggs also remind eggs анкилостомид, but is larger by the size (84 x 40 microns). Helminth parasitizes in intestines of the person and primacies in Asia and Africa.
This helminthosis occurs at residents of some African countries (Southern Rhodesia, Mozambique, Tanzania, etc.), in Asia (Thailand). The person catches at the use of the foodstuff contaminated by the soil containing helminth larvae. The disease is quite often combined with an ascaridosis, a dochmiasis and a trichuriasis.

Ternidentoz's treatment:

The differential diagnosis is carried out with a dochmiasis. The diagnosis is made on the basis of detection of eggs of a parasite in Calais. Treatment is carried out by thiabendazole.

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