DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Surgery Rupture of a spleen

Rupture of a spleen


The rupture of the capsule of a spleen represents extremely critical event for an organism which requires immediate medical and surgical attention. Pathology usually is result of a stupid injury of a stomach.

Анатомические особенности селезенки

Anatomic features of a spleen

Reasons of a rupture of a spleen:

Increase in a spleen    as a result of the fulminantny infection caused by Epstein-Barre's virus (an infectious mononucleosis or a post-transplant pseudo-lymphoma) contributes to a gap from the minimum injury or even to a spontaneous gap. The considerable blow (for example, a car accident) is capable to lead to a gap even of a normal spleen.

Symptoms of a rupture of a spleen:

The rupture of the capsule of a spleen leads to considerable bleeding in an abdominal cavity. Usual clinical manifestations include hemorrhagic shock, abdominal pain and abdominal distention. The injury of a spleen can lead to a sub-kapsulyarnoy hematoma which can not become torn within several hours or even months after an injury.
The gap is usually preceded by pain in the field of a verkhnegolevy quadrant of a stomach. The rupture of a spleen has to be suspected at patients with a stupid injury of a stomach and hemorrhagic shock or pain in the field of an upper left quadrant of a stomach (which sometimes irradiates in a shoulder); patients with inexplicable pain in the field of an upper left quadrant of a stomach, especially if are available signs of hypovolemic shock, have to be interviewed about the possible postponed injury. The diagnosis is confirmed by means of KT-scanning (at stable patients), ultrasonography or results of peritoneal lavage (at unstable patients).

Treatment of a rupture of a spleen:

Treatment traditionally consists in a splenectomy. However the splenectomy needs to be avoided whenever possible, in particular at children because of the constant raised susceptibility to bacterial infections in the subsequent. In these cases performing transfusion therapy is necessary.

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