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Bazalioma (bazalnokletochny cancer, bazalnokletochny epithelioma, skin carcinoid) is a tumor of skin which is intermediate as if between benign and malignant tumors in connection with tendency it to a retsidivirovanna. Really, many carry it to a carcinoma cutaneum, some - to benign tumors of skin. The fact that this tumor practically does not give metastasises is the reason for that, but has destructive growth. It is the most often found skin tumor. Morphologically the bazalioma has quite various structure. Allocate the following main histologic forms of a bazalioma: superficial, multicentric, solid, cystous, and also adenoid. Besides, can meet pigmented, hyalinized, osliznenny and other forms. Generally the tumor consists of the small dark cells reminding basal.

Bazalioma's reasons:

I call the most frequent reason leading to education and progressing of a bazalioma influence of solar radiation. Except an adverse vozdeystvo of sunshine, influence of carcinogens among which compound of arsenic, various pitches, soot, dyes, tar matters.

Bazalioma's symptoms:

Bazalioma is preferential localized on a face and a neck, but can meet occasionally on skin of a trunk, generative organs and extremities. Bazalioma meets more often at advanced age, and is equally frequent at men and women.
The tumor has an appearance of the condensed flat plaque, quite often ulcerated. At the beginning of the development the bazalioma has an appearance of a translucent dense node of a nacreous view with a pink shade. It can be covered with a dense epidermal crust. Such nodes sometimes a little. Warty options of a bazilioma with dense, dry to the touch, grayish growths, and also hardly noticeable semicircular eminences of pink color meet ulcerations in the center. In process of development of a bazalioma the ulceration goes deep and appears or a crust under which the superficial, slightly bleeding erosion, or a sore comes to light. This ulceration goes deep, extends further, edges of an ulcer become valikoobrazny, dense. At germination of a tumor in depth the subject fabrics (a hypodermic fatty tissue, an aponeurosis, etc.) infiltrirutsya and ulcerate.
Bazalioma metastasizes extremely seldom, and in these casuistic options of a bazaliom proceeds as cancer.

Клинические признаки базалиомы

Clinical signs of a bazalioma


In doubtful cases it is possible to make a cytologic research or a biopsy. Differential diagnosis is carried out with warty tuberculosis, syphilitic damage of skin, Pedzhet or Bowen's disease, mycoses and dermatomycoses, and also with other benign and malignant tumors of skin or their metastasises to skin.
The most difficult is differential diagnosis with an ekkrinny spiradenoma, a tsilindromy, follicular keratoma, an ekkrinny poromy and seborrheal wart.

Bazalioma's treatment:

In most cases a tumor of a radiochuvstviteln therefore consider a choice method radiation therapy for the vast majority of patients. Especially it concerns those cases when the tumor is located at natural foramens on a face.
The short-distance roentgenotherapy is most widespread, however it is possible to apply, and with success, an obkalyvaniye radiyenosny needles, and also to use applicators with radioactive materials.
Sometimes small bazalioma delete surgically (electrosurgical excision is desirable).
Treatment of a bazalioma by means of ftoruratsilovy ointments was widely adopted. Their application admits to one of the most effective and safe methods.
When the bazalioma recurrence after radiation therapy immtsya or the tumor was resistant to beam influence, it is also necessary to apply surgical treatment (electrosurgical excision).
Extensive damages of skin at a bazalioma demand the combined treatment as at a carcinoma cutaneum, and the second stage of therapy is recommended to carry out by means of electrosurgical ways of influence (electrothermic coagulation or electroscission).
At innidiation in regional lymph nodes it is necessary to recommend the treatment similar to that which is carried out in such cases at a carcinoma cutaneum.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Bazalioma's treatment:

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