DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Dermatology Radioepithelitis



The radioepithelitis is a reaction of mucous membranes to action of ionizing radiation.

Radioepithelitis symptoms:

Depending on localization of defeat distinguish beam laryngitis, cystitis, a coloenteritis etc. The radioepithelitis can develop at tele-irradiation, intracavitary administration of radioactive drugs and implementation in fabrics of radioactive needles.
In the first two cases the radioepithelitis arises on a mucous membrane of all or almost all irradiated body; at interstitial introduction — on the small site around drugs. Reaction proceeds in the form of dystrophic process and has a wavy current. Below the current of a radioepithelitis of an oral cavity is given as an example. The first wave — the moderate puffiness and reddening of mucous membranes which are followed by feeling of heat, small pains;  strengthening of a sialosis which is replaced by its reduction with the advent of dense and viscous saliva, dryness in a mouth is possible. Duration of this phase of a radioepithelitis — about a week. The second wave of R. coming after the short period of improvement of a state is characterized by the same symptoms which, however, gain big expressiveness.
In a week the third wave — emergence of the superficial erosion covered with difteropodobny films in the form of separate islands which gradually merge among themselves (a "filmy" radioepithelitis) is observed. Are noted considerable puffiness, a sharp hyperemia, strong morbidity when swallowing, saliva becomes dense and viscous, flavoring feelings decrease, dryness of a mucous membrane as a result of an atrophy of mucous glands is observed later. At radiation of a throat the complicated breath, disturbance of a phonation are possible. Further there is a rejection of films which is followed by release of bloody and mucous exudate. In 1,5 — 2 weeks after the termination of radiation recovery of a mucous membrane is observed. The radioepithelitis can pass completely, however the atrophy of mucous membranes with formation of teleangiectasias is possible.
Due to the unequal radio sensitivity of mucous membranes of a dose, the causing R., vary. The ruble develops in oral cavities and a throat at a dose about 4000 — 5000 is glad, in a bladder and a rectum — at a dose 5000 — 7000 is glad. Radio sensitivity of a mucous membrane of a small intestine is higher, than in other departments of digestive tract. In comparison with a soft palate and sidewalls of language a hard palate and gums (tab.) more radiorezistentna.
The general condition of an organism, existence of additional inflammatory process, size of one-time and total exposure doses exert impact on development of a radioepithelitis.

Лучевое поражение слизистых оболочек рта

Radiation injury of mucous membranes of a mouth

Radioepithelitis reasons:

Can arise in all bodies covered with a mucous membrane. The radioepithelitis is often observed at treatment of malignant tumors of an oral cavity, respiratory tracts, digestive tract, bladder, female generative organs.

Treatment of the Radioepithelitis:

Before radiation of an oral cavity and upper respiratory tracts sanitation of an oral cavity is necessary. For reduction of secondary dispersion from metal prostheses and seals it is necessary to put on protective a kappa dentitions or to remove prostheses and to replace metal seals with plastic. During radiation at the initial phenomena of a radioepithelitis — rinsing or washing of 1% novocaine solution (removal of pains by blockade of nervous receptors), introduction to cavities of 50% of an emulsion of balm of Shostakovsky on fish oil. At an aggravation or emergence of consecutive infection in upper airways and an oral cavity — inhalation by an aerosol of antibiotics with 1% novocaine solution daily; at radiation of other areas — intramuscular introduction of antibiotics.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Radioepithelitis:

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