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see also:


Degenerative and dystrophic disease of a knee joint.

Gonartroz's symptoms:

Primary гонартроз (arthrosis of a knee joint) develops on a usual vital background. People of advanced age, women suffer more often than men.  People with the increased body weight, obesity are obviously located to development of a gonartroz. Secondary гонартроз  (arthrosis of a knee joint) has in the basis an injury of a knee joint (an intra joint fracture of a hip and tibial bone, a rupture of sheaves, injury of meniscuses, гемартороз) or the postponed disease (arthritis of various etiology, a chondromatosis of joints, "a joint mouse", etc.). Timely adequate treatment of the listed processes can interfere with emergence and development of a gonartroz. Complaints of the patient with gonartrozy (arthrosis of a knee joint) come down to feeling of a certain constraint in a joint, to "tightening" under a knee, to pains in it after long walking in the beginning.

Most of patients complains also of difficulties when walking in the mornings, after a dream or after more or less long sitting. "You disperse, - it becomes easier", - they note. Eventually the disease progresses, pains become persistent, constant, intensive; pain is more often localized on the knee interior. Many patients feel a crunch at the movements in a knee joint. Gradually restriction of bending and (or) extension develops. Eventually lameness progresses. In hard cases patients cannot move without assistance or without support on a chair back, crutches, etc. at all. In lying situation pain ceases, but sometimes patients suffer from pains and at night.

Survey of a knee joint in an initial stage of a disease does not find external changes. Further it is possible to note deformation of a knee, rough contours of the bones forming a joint, a kontrakutura (incomplete extension or bending) and a shin axis curvature, as a rule, of a knutra. If to put a palm on the front surface of a knee, then at the flexion and extensive movements investigating will feel a crunch in a knee joint of various intensity and duration. The same feeling of a crunch can be received, shifting a patella of a knaruzha and knutra in the cross direction (a positive patello-kondilyarny symptom).

At a palpation of a joint the painful zone comes to light, is more often from the inside of a joint, at the level of condyles of a hip, a big bootleg and a joint crack. Quite often in a cavity of a knee joint the exudate collects, i.e. the synovitis joins. This state is defined by a smoothness of contours of a knee joint due to protrusion, protrusion of fabrics over a patella and sideways from it and feeling of fluctuation at protrusion palpation by two hands.

The synovitis of a knee joint testifies to an arthrosis complication aseptic inflammatory process, and then we have the basis to designate such condition of a knee joint as "artrozo-arthritis". Temperature at artrozo-arthritis, as a rule, does not increase and blood tests do not show aberrations.

Subjectively patients define the joined synovitis as the new heavy feeling in a joint preventing bending of a knee. Apparently from the provided data, clinical diagnosis of a gonartroz (arthrosis of a knee joint) is simple, quite available. However X-ray inspection anyway is necessary. It confirms and specifies the diagnosis, establishes extent of artrozny changes, allows to watch dynamics of process throughout time and, at last, the X-ray analysis is necessary for an exception of tumoral or some other process in the bones forming a joint. In an initial stage of a gonartroz radiological changes can either be absent, or to be very insignificant. In later terms narrowing of a joint crack, a sclerosis of a subcartilaginous zone, a point of edges of condyles of femoral and tibial bones, sometimes adjournment of salts in surrounding soft tissues comes to light. Radiological inspection of elderly and old people at many of them reveals the expressed changes described above.

Gonartroz's reasons:

At arthrosis calcifications (adjournment of salts of calcium) in soft tissues of a knee - the copular device, places of an attachment of sinews, etc. can meet, but these calcifications have limited character and have, as a rule, no independent clinical value. Into the forefront at a gonartroza (arthrosis of a knee joint) degenerative and dystrophic process in the hyaline cartilage covering condyles of femoral and tibial bones acts. And pathological process begins with disturbance of blood circulation in small bone vessels after which there are changes in a cartilaginous cover of a joint.

Gonartroz's treatment:

In a complex of treatment of a gonartroz a positive role is played by remedial gymnastics. It is carried out by the patient for the purpose of prevention of contractures, improvement of blood circulation in an extremity, increase in a muscle tone. It is very important to conduct the first gymnastic class in the morning before getting on feet and to start walking. The set of exercises should be received in an office of physiotherapy exercises and to carry out it 3-4 times a day; especially it is important upon transition from horizontal position in vertical. After work rest is recommended lying 30-45 minutes. The semi-spirit warming compresses and warm (36-36 degrees) bathtubs (it is possible with needles) before going to bed complete house treatment. Carrying out it entirely depends on the patient, and it is necessary to convince him of importance of punctual implementation of recommendations.

Treatment of a gonartroz (arthrosis of a knee joint) is supplemented by different types of physical therapy (diadynamic currents, фонофорез with a hydrocortisone, an electrophoresis with novocaine, ultra-violet radiation, UVCh), lazero-, magnetotherapy, massage of a leg. The sanatorium therapy which can be carried out in any resort is useful if in the list of indications to treatment the reference to "diseases of bodies of the movement" is had.

Interest in intra joint introduction of a hydrocortisone and other steroid hormones gave way to the weighed approach to treatment. Competes with hormonal therapy, and in some cases and supplements its method of an intra joint okigenoterapiya. It consists in introduction to a cavity of a knee joint of gaseous medical oxygen. The correct treatment of intra joint changes, removal of the injured meniscuses, recovery of the broken-off sheaves, removal of "a joint mouse" are at the same time prevention of a gonartroz. However and at the developing arthrosis because of these processes operational treatment can suspend development of arthrosis and it is essential to facilitate a condition of the patient.

Drug treatment of a gonartroz (arthrosis of a knee joint), despite universal use, possesses very modest role. The solution of the problem of a gonartroz to some extent depends on its prevention. The reasonable combination of work and rest, exercises allowing to keep for many years a tone of vascular and muscular systems, prevention of increase in body weight, the timely request for the qualified help - here major factors of prevention of the deforming gonartroz.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for Gonartroz's treatment:

  • Препарат Цель Т.

    Purpose T

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany


  • Препарат Цель Т.

    Purpose T

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Препарат Цель Т.

    Purpose T

    Complex homeopathic medicine.

    Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH (Biologishe Haylmittel Heel Gmbh) Germany

  • Сайт детского здоровья