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The alveolitis is an inflammation of a hole of a jaw as a result of its infection after a traumatic odontectomy. At the same time damage of the hole and crush of the gingiva surrounding it is often observed. Normal healing of a hole after an odontectomy is painless practically and in 7-10 days after removal the hole is epithelized.

Alveolitis symptoms:

The disease begins more often for 2-3 days after operation (emergence of severe pains in the field of a hole of the extracted tooth, fervescence to 37,5-38,5 °C.) Gradually pain amplifies extending to the next departments of the head from a mouth the fetor appears. In submaxillary areas there are painful lymph nodes. Disease duration - up to two weeks.

Gingiva about a hole is inflamed, edematous, looks reddened. In a hole there is no blood clot, the hole is covered with a gray plaque, the purulent discharge is quite often observed. In submaxillary areas there are painful lymph nodes.

Alveolitis reasons:

The alveolitis can develop also as a result of disturbance of the postoperative mode when active rinsing of a mouth wash away blood clot from a hole, microbes get into it, causing an inflammation. Hit of food in a hole, lack of hygiene of an oral cavity also promote emergence of an alveolitis.

Also can be the cause of an alveolitis:
- pushing through in a hole of tooth deposits during operation on an odontectomy;
- unsatisfactory processing of a hole after an odontectomy (bone fragments, a cyst, a granuloma, granulations are not removed);
- violation of the rules of an asepsis and antiseptics at an odontectomy;
- reduced immunity of the patient;
- traumatic (difficult) odontectomy.

Treatment of the Alveolitis:

Hole scraping, its processing by hydrogen peroxide solution, proteolytic enzymes and drainage. Quite often resort to a repeated scraping. Appoint analginum, pyramidon, physical therapy.

Treatment of an alveolitis in house conditions to the address to the doctor which is necessary at emergence of the symptoms described above is shown frequent rinsing of a mouth by warm solution (3%) of peroxide of hydrogen, baking soda (1/2 teaspoons on a glass of water) anesthetizing drugs. The alveolitis can be complicated by hole osteomyelitis that extends time of a disease and rehabilitation of the patient.

The forecast is favorable, disability 2-3 days. Quite often cup pains drag on on 2-3 weeks. Prevention: atraumatic exodontia.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Alveolitis:

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