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Syndrome to Bara-Lyeu


At this disease the pains connected with pathological changes in area I-II and II-III of cervical vertebrae are noted.

Анатомия шейного отдела позвоночника, поражающегося при синдроме Баре-Льеу

Anatomy of cervical department of the backbone which is surprised at a syndrome to Bara-Lyeu

Syndrome symptoms to Bara-Lyeu:

Classical signs of a syndrome are described: nape and person pain, dizziness or instability when standing and walking, noise and ear pains, a visual disturbance and accommodations, pain in eyes, decrease in a tone of vessels of a retina. Besides, at this syndrome there can be glotochnogortanny disturbances - glossites with the progressing current, and also the mental changes which are shown excitement.

Nape and person pains are caused by irritation of an occipital nerve. Dizzinesses are result of irritation of an upper cervical ganglion and its connecting branches. At this syndrome dizziness is noted at sudden change of a body, for example, at a rising from a bed after a dream or sharp turn of the head aside. It passes quickly if the patient accepts horizontal position again and again will rise, but at slower rate.

Touch disturbances - decrease in hearing, a sonitus, a vision disorder - depend substantially on involvement in process of the autonomic nervous system and disturbance of regional blood supply. Characteristic of eye symptoms at Barret's syndrome - Lyeu - feeling of retraction of eyes or pain behind eyes.

Syndrome reasons for Bara-Lyeu:

In its pathogeny, in addition to a prelum of roots of spinal nerves with the subsequent development of a venous staz and hypostasis of nervous structures, involvement in process of vegetative components - sympathetic nerve fibrils II and III of cervical nerves matters. It in turn strengthens and fixes for a certain time insufficiency of regional blood circulation not only in a zone of artrozny changes, but also in kernels of cranial nerves of mostomozzhechkovy area that causes clinical symptomatology of a syndrome.

Treatment of the Syndrome to Bara-Lyeu:

Treatment is complex. The expressed displays of a disease (sharp headaches, dizziness with nausea and vomiting, a radicular pain syndrome, passing disturbances of cerebral circulation) demand hospitalization of the patient. At an acute radicular pain syndrome appoint a bed rest within 3 days and a semi-bed rest within 3-5 days. Position of the patient in a bed is of great importance: on spin, with a low small pillow, under a neck it is possible to enclose a sack with heated sand that will provide dry heat and fixing of cervical department of a backbone in the most comfortable position. Further the physical therapy is recommended: the diadynamic and sinusoidny modulated currents, an electrophoresis of solutions of an Euphyllinum, analginum (on the back surface of a neck, a shoulder girdle), magnetotherapy, фонофорез a hydrocortisone. In all stages of process at a pain syndrome variation magnetic field in the pulsing mode is recommended. If there is no opportunity to carry out physical therapy, apply mustard plasters and ointments (an Edcamonum, никофлекс, финалгон, indometatsinovy ointment, etc.). Applications of Dimexidum with the indometacin dissolved in it or Naproxenum within 40-50 min. are shown. At very severe pain intramusculary enter mix of aminazine, Dimedrol and analginum. The immobilization of cervical department of a backbone is recommended by a quilted soft collar. Correction of vascular disorders by intravenous and intramuscular administration of vasoactive drugs (an Euphyllinum, Cavintonum, a pentoksifillin, a sermion, Xantinoli nicotinas) is necessary, inside appoint cinnarizine (Stugeronum), and also ganglioblokator (Gangleronum) in combination with Sibazonum (Relanium). After subsiding of acute pains it is possible to apply radonic, pine or mineral needle baths, massage, mud applications of low temperature. At a resistant pain syndrome sometimes renders effect reflexotherapy. Use also indometacin, Ortophenum, Naproxenum, piroxicam, etc. The neurosis-like syndrome serves as the indication to purpose of tranquilizers and antidepressants (Chlozepidum, Mezapamum, Mebicarum, Phenibutum, Sibazonum, Azaphenum, amitriptyline, etc.). In complex treatment consider that circumstance that P. of N of page can be aggravated under the influence of infectious, toxic, allergic and other factors.

The remedial gymnastics is appointed only after reduction of pains. At the same time consider age of the patient, degree of manifestation of osteochondrosis and its clinical manifestations, existence of associated diseases. Rotary motions in cervical department of a backbone, especially are contraindicated to elderly people, and also the zaprokidyvany heads with pererazgibanny a backbone. The session of physiotherapy exercises usually lasts from 5 to 30 min. and includes exercises on strengthening of muscles of a neck, trapezoid muscles, a decompression of roots which is created by a neck pulling in a sitting position, standing and lying with any muscle tension. Treatment by a passive pulling should be carried out very carefully since it can strengthen a headache and dizziness. Extension is contraindicated to elderly people, at atherosclerosis of vessels of a brain, an idiopathic hypertensia, chronic circulatory unefficiency in the vertebrobazilyarny pool.

Out of an exacerbation of a disease sanatorium treatment which includes hydrosulphuric, radonic or pearl bathtubs, dirt, massage, LFK, and also use of vasoactive drugs is shown. Antirecurrent treatment, dispensary observation, rational employment is recommended.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Syndrome to Bara-Lyeu:

  • Препарат Ибупрофен.


    Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs. Derivatives of propionic acid.

    JSC Borisovsky Plant of Medical Supplies Republic of Belarus


  • Сайт детского здоровья