DE   EN   ES   FR   IT   PT Angiology Chronic thrombophlebitis

Chronic thrombophlebitis


Chronic thrombophlebitis - a chronic inflammation of veins of the lower extremities (chronic thrombophlebitis) with the subsequent phenomena of venous stagnation in the lower extremities.

Symptoms of the Chronic trombolebit:

The disease begins sharply with inflammatory process in a vein and about it. This process is followed by pains and hypostasis of an extremity, erubescence over a sick vessel, temperature increase. Further, when forming blood clot, there comes the occlusion of a vein and disturbance of venous outflow from an extremity. It leads to leg hypostases, shin skin discoloration, emergence of a skin itch and formation of ulcers in a shin. At chronic thrombophlebitises of deep veins there can occur compensatory expansion of saphenas.

Reasons of the Chronic trombolebit:

The disease most often develops against the background of a varicosity of saphenas of the lower extremities. Chronic thrombophlebitis can affect also deep veins of the lower extremities, or both that and others. Besides, injuries of soft tissues of legs - bruises, fractures of bones, some infectious inflammatory diseases of the lower extremities (an erysipelatous inflammation, purulent processes), intravenous administration of medicines, etc. can be a cause of illness.

Treatment of the Chronic trombolebit:

Patients with chronic thrombophlebitis need to get up on on the dispensary account in policlinic at the surgeon. Survey is carried out at least 2 times in a year. The employment which is not connected with considerable loads of legs is recommended. Hospitalization of patients with acute symptoms of thrombophlebitis is made according to urgent indications in surgical department of a hospital. Planned hospitalization for operational treatment of a varicosity of saphenas of the lower extremities are performed in surgical department of a hospital by the surgeon of policlinic. Sanatorium treatment of patients with chronic thrombophlebitis and chronic venous insufficiency of the lower extremities is performed in the sanatoria specializing in treatment of vascular diseases.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Chronic trombolebit:

  • Препарат Венолайф® .


    Anticoagulating means of direct action for topical administration.

    JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN Russia

  • Сайт детского здоровья