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Thalamic syndrome


The thalamic syndrome - is observed at defeat of a visual hillock. Clinical symptoms are diverse and depend on a functional role of the damaged structures.

Symptoms of the Thalamic syndrome:

At switching off of a. thalamo-geniculata on the party opposite to the center of defeat in a thalamus, the following symptoms develop:

  1. a gemigipesteziya or a hemianaesthesia with the expressed disturbance of deep sensitivity, sometimes without disorders of sensitivity on a face,
  2. the hyperpathia or dizesteziya paroksizmalno arising or the constant cruel pains extending to all half of a body (a thalamic pain syndrome)
  3. pallesthesia,
  4. a passing hemiparesis without the expressed spasticity and a pathological Babinski's reflex,
  5. atrophy of muscles of an affected half of a body,
  6. the choreic and atetoidny movements in hand fingers, the psevdoatetotichesky movements at a hand pulling forward and at other tension, a peculiar position of a hand ("thalamic arm") - the brush is slightly bent, fingers are unbent in distal phalanxes and polusognuta basically, the forearm is slightly bent and pronirovano,
  7. hemiataxia,
  8. sometimes gomonimny hemianopsia,
  9. notnagelevsky mimic paresis,
  10. attention rasstoystvo.

Reasons of the Thalamic syndrome:

The most frequent origin of the classical thalamic syndrome described in 1906 by Zh. Dezherin and G. of Russia are vascular frustration in system of deep branches of the back brain artery feeding a visual hillock - a.thalamo-geniculata.

Treatment of the Thalamic syndrome:

Treatment of a basic disease. Thalamic pains decrease at receptions of neuroleptics in combination with antidepressants. At especially severe and persistent pains surgical intervention — stereotaxic destruction of a back ventro-lateral kernel of a thalamus is shown.

Drugs, drugs, tablets for treatment of the Thalamic syndrome:

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