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Spondylopathies – the general designation of diseases of a backbone which is shown in the form of dystrophic changes of a backbone with restriction of mobility and a pain syndrome. At spondylopathies increase of thorns - ossificates (growth of connecting fabric) on the side surfaces of vertebras, the shift of the next vertebrae relatively each other and other degenerative and dystrophic changes attracts attention.

Spondylopathy symptoms:

    *  Dorsopatiya or a spondylopathy of a backbone with defeat of intervertebral disks -    backbone osteochondrosis. It is clinically expressed in manifestation of a pain syndrome in a trunk, extremities not of a visceral etiology. The pain syndrome connected with a degenerative disease of a backbone. Displays  of osteochondrosis  can be compression – a prelum of roots of a spinal cord and their vessels, and reflex is the tension and dystrophic changes of various muscles and their fastion. This group includes also dystrophic changes of joints and sheaves – a shoulder - a scapular periarthrosis, and also numerous vegetovascular disturbances which are shown by vasospasms of extremities, a brain and heart – cardialgias. Calcification of the front longitudinal sheaves visible on the roentgenogram in the form of growth at bodies of vertebrae "moustaches", the so-called deforming spondylosis attracts attention. Quite often there is a break of a fibrous ring and loss of a pulpozny kernel, formation of intervertebral hernia. As a result there is a prelum and damage of a radicular nerve and a pain syndrome. There is a special wish to stop on damage of vertebral arteries. They pass in channels of cross shoots of cervical vertebrae and participate in blood supply, food of back departments of a brain. At cervical  osteochondrosis  (at the sharp movements by the head, tension of cervical muscles and various shifts of cervical vertebrae and disks),  the vertebral artery  is squeezed that sometimes in hard cases, leads to an acute disorder of cerebral circulation - to the ischemic tranzitorny attacks or an ischemic stroke. In more mild cases business is limited to reversible vascular disorders in the form of dizziness, nausea, swallowing disturbance, visual disturbances, doubling in eyes, restrictions of fields of vision
    * A spondylopathy at infectious and parasitic diseases. It at tuberculosis, clamidiosis, a brucellosis, etc. It is clinically shown by a pain syndrome in a backbone, disturbance of sensitivity and symptoms characteristic of a basic disease.
    * Spondylopathy disgoromonalny or spondylopathy metabolic. This state arises on the changed hormonal background, most often at advanced age at approach of climacteric changes. Is followed by changes of configurations of vertebrae - wedge-shaped deformation and emergence of a pain syndrome. Often there is a deforming spondylosis when there is a process of a degeneration of front longitudinal sheaves. There is a so-called senile kyphosis. Also the spondylopathy at osteoporosis enters into this group, a so-called osteoporotichesky sondilopatiya. This syndrome is characteristic of many diseases which are followed by generalized loss of volume of the bone tissue surpassing age and sexual norms and leading to decrease in durability of a bone that often is the reason of pathological changes. Often them call age or "senile".
    *  The spondylopathy is neurogenic. At this disease the multiple deformations of vertebrae arising in connection with diseases of the central nervous system are observed. At patients frustration of different types of sensitivity and other neurologic symptoms characteristic of the leading disease are defined. Back the tabes, a myelosyringosis are the most frequent reasons of a neurogenic spondylopathy.
    * A spondylopathy dysplastic (disturbance of development and formation of fabrics and bodies irrespective of the reason and time of their emergence) or an osteochondropathic spondylopathy. Here such diseases as Sheyrman-Mau's disease enter. This disease of young people aged ot10 up to 25 years. Otherwise it is called juvenile scoliosis. It is an osteochondropathy of apophyses (regions of growth). It is shown in the form of emergence and strengthening of a cervical kyphosis. Also here the disease of Kalve-an osteochondropathy of bodies of vertebrae enters. Most often the lower chest and upper lumbar vertebrae are surprised. There are dorsodynias disappearing at rest and appearing at an exercise stress, a back muscle tension vystupany an acantha of the affected vertebra. Kinbek's disease - an osteochondropathy of a semi-lunar bone of a brush enters into this group. The reason of this disease – frequent traumatizations. Arises age of 20-40 years, women suffer more often.
    * Spondylopathies traumatic result from any injuries.
    * A spondylopathy tabic – the damage of intervertebral joints at tabes dorsalis which is characterized by destructive changes of joint surfaces of vertebras, rassasyvaniy big sites of a bone with simultaneous chaotic formation of a new bone tissue, incomplete dislocation, calcification of intervertebral cartilages and sheaves. An example is the spondylopathy at back to tabes.

Гормональная спондилопатия на рентгенограмме

Hormonal spondylopathy on the roentgenogram

Spondylopathy reasons:

Distinguish the following reasons of spondylopathies:

    * traumatic
    * genetic
    * exchange
    * professional
    * age

These or those reasons are resulted by degenerative and dystrophic changes of a disk and adjacent vertebrae, food of bone and connecting tissue is broken (dystrophy).

The loosening of a fibrous ring, decrease in height of a disk, its "flattening" between vertebrae, growth of corners of vertebrae and change of integrity of the joint and copular device is a consequence of it.

Spondylopathies happen the different nature.

Treatment of the Spondylopathy:

Treatment of this pathology depends on the reason which caused it.

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