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Availability of pus in urine is called a pyuria or a leukocyturia. The set of male and female diseases of urinogenital system can be the reason of hit of pus in urine. Can find a pyuria at a research of the analysis of urine in the conditions of medical institution.

  Presence of leukocytes at urine at small amounts is regarded as norm. For this reason the analysis on a pyuria from women is taken by means of a catheter, and men after careful disinfection have balanus.

  If as a result of the analysis is established that in an urocheras there are more than six leukocytes in sight of a microscope, make the diagnosis a pyuria. If urine contains a large number of leukocytes, then its transparency and color changes. Urine becomes muddy, with flakes and threads.

  Clearer idea of what quantity of leukocytes contains in urine, can give special counting of uniform elements of liquid of urine in specially equipped cytometer. At development of a pyuria the quantity of leukocytes in the urine removed per day makes more than 3 million.

  Pus can get to urine at defeat by an inflammation of a prostate or bodies of urination. Very seldom the pyuria arises because of a perforation of purulent education in the being bodies nearby.

Pyuria reasons:

Depending on where inflammatory process is localized, divide several types of a pyuria:
Aseptic form. It is characterized by the content in urine of a huge number of leukocytes without presence at it of pathological microorganisms. It is observed at tuberculosis of kidneys, at dehydration of an organism of children as a result of poisoning.
Initial form. Meets at an inflammation of the lower urinary tract. In this case pus is found in the first portion of urine at a research by method three stakanny test.
Terminal form. It is characterized by the increased maintenance of leukocytes in urine, in the last from portions three a stakanny method. Meets at diseases of a prostate and seed bubbles.
Total form. It is characterized by the content of pus in all three portions of urine of the above-stated test. Points to existence of an inflammation in a bladder, a pelvis of kidneys and in the kidney.

  Availability of pus in urine at children most often results from an infection and inflammatory process in kidneys. On character of a current this pathology at children's age can be acute and chronic. The state at which pus in urine is found is connected with acute damage of kidneys of the child.

  The chronic leukocyturia meets at inborn pathologies and diseases of urinogenital system. Before will appoint treatment to the child, it is necessary to undergo full urological inspection.

Pyuria symptoms:

Kinds of a leukocyturia:

  To find out where approximately inflammatory process at a pyuria is located it is possible by means of a method of the stakanny test specialized three. For this purpose the patient is offered to collect the analysis of urine in three different tanks.

  If when studying results of the analysis, pus is found in the first capacity, then it is about an initial kind of a pyuria. It means that the inflammation is located in front area of an urethra.

  In case pus is found in the third capacity, speak about a final kind of a pyuria. It means that inflammatory process is located in a prostate or seed tubules.

  If pus is found in all tanks, then it means that inflammatory process takes place in a pelvis of kidneys, kidneys or in a bladder. To establish a pus origin in urine appoint a full urological research.

  Availability of pus in urine always in parallel proceeds with a bacteriuria. If urine contains only pus, without microorganisms, then speak about an aseptic pyuria which arises at tuberculosis of kidneys.

Treatment of a pyuria:

Treat a pyuria in a complex. At a state aggravation patients observe a high bed rest, I drink a lot of liquid, accept vitamin drugs and is balanced eat. In parallel carry out sanitation of the centers of an infection. At a chronic leukocyturia try to remove the cause of this pathology.

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