Main > Diseases> Excess of iron

Excess of iron

Excess of iron is the very serious and widespread problem caused by excessive existence in an iron organism.

Iron Избыток железа – это очень серьезная и распространенная проблемаis one of the most widespread chemical elements in the nature and, naturally, a necessary microelement for a human body. The human body contains from about 3,5 to 4,5 grams of iron. 2/3 are in blood, 1/3 – in a liver, marrow, muscles and a spleen.

Iron in our organism performs many functions:

  • supports functioning of immune system;
  • participates in transportation of oxygen on all organism;
  • neutralizes the toxic substances getting to an organism;
  • participates in formation of enzymes and red little bodies of blood;
  • supports synthesis of hormones of a thyroid gland;
  • it is important for good shape of skin, nails and hair;
  • participates in regeneration processes in an organism.

That iron was acquired, good secretion of a gastric juice is necessary. Is also promoted digestion of iron of amino acid (a lysine and a histidine), by simple carbohydrates (sorbite, fructose, lactose), organic acids and vitamin C. Digestion of iron is interfered by milk and dairy products, calcium, soy protein, cellulose from bran, phytin and some components of coffee and tea.

Excess of iron in an organism is extremely dangerous! Iron most often in a cardiac muscle, a pancreas and a liver collects, and it harmful influences these bodies. If excess of iron not to treat, such diseases as can develop:

  • cancer of the poisoned bodies;
  • serious illness of cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of a nervous system;
  • arthritis and other diseases of joints;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cirrhosis, hepatitis.

The reasons of excess of iron in an organism

Factors which result in excess of iron in an organism:

  • Content of iron in drinking water;
  • The air hunger caused by a large amount of exhaust gases in the cities. In an organism shortage of oxygen is compensated by increase in production of hemoglobin;
  • Reception in a large number or a long time of iron preparations;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Transferring of several hemotransfusions;
  • Presence at an organism of a gene which forces an organism to accumulate iron (also it call "a genome of Celts" as, generally its existence is observed at residents of Scandinavia). It is present at 15% of people, but at the majority is in the sleeping state.

The daily dose of iron is very approximate. Assimilation of this microelement depends to a large extent on a condition of an organism for which definition it is necessary to do blood tests. The approximate standard daily rate of iron Избыток железа в организме является крайне опаснымfor women makes 18 mg, for men – 10 mg. The highest is the standard daily rate of iron at pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy – 33 mg.

Symptoms of excess of iron

Symptoms of excess of iron:

  • coloring in a yellow shade of skin, language, the sky and scleras;
  • increase in a liver in sizes;
  • itch;
  • disturbances of a cordial rhythm;
  • weak general state;
  • leanness;
  • pallor;
  • pigmentation on palms and places of old hems, in armpits.

Excess of iron in an organism also complicates course of diseases of Alzheimer and Parkinson. Even if there are symptoms of excess of iron, it is possible to define the exact diagnosis only after biochemical analysis of blood.

Treatment of excess of iron

The most usual, but the most effective method of adjustment of level of iron in an organism – healthy nutrition. It is important to remember that gland is a lot of (more, than 1 mg on 100 гр) in water-melons, a cranberry, a melon, a Brussels sprout, sweet pepper, a garden radish, a radish, beet, tomatoes, a girasol, spinach (to 3 mg) and a sorrel (up to 2 mg). Other vegetables contain from 0,4 to 0,9 mg of this microelement.

Special approach is necessary for those who has an excess of iron in an organism. It is necessary to be attentive even in trifles. For example, it is impossible to use even ordinary ascorbic acid as it is capable to increase digestion of iron in an organism.

Also for treatment of excess of iron use bloodletting (phlebotomy) and donorship.

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