Main > Diseases> Eczema


Short characteristic of a disease

Экзема на руке

Eczema is the allergic disease which is characterized by a recurrent current and a significant area of defeat of an integument. The disease is response of an organism to irritants and the spongiosa is based on the phenomenon (an epidermis inflammation with the subsequent accumulation of liquid in intercellular space of skin).

In that case if eczema is diagnosed for the person, the choice of a technique of treatment will depend on a type of a disease and intensity of allergic process. Physicians allocate the true, seborrheal, disgidrotichesky, dry, becoming wet and professional forms of a disease. They are shown differently. One people have an eczema on hands, at others – standing or in a breast and a stomach. Anyway, but eczema can be shown at any age and on any site of an integument that brings to the patient both physical, and psychological discomfort.

Eczema – disease symptoms

Clinical signs of a disease depend on a form of allergic reaction. Nevertheless, there are also several general symptoms. First of all, it is necessary to carry erubescence and its puffiness to them. In the beginning the person has small small knots which quickly progress, grow in the bubbles filled with liquid or pus and then burst with formation of an erosion and the keratosic crust on the surface of skin. Irrespective of where eczema is noted – standing, hands or the head – it gives to the person a set of an inconvenience as process of vesiculation is rather unpleasant and is followed by a severe itch and burning.

Types of eczema

True eczema – has the acute, chronic and intermediate form, belongs to the category of a dermatosis. True eczema which symptoms are characterized by formation of a set of small bubbles and a pruritic erosion can last from 1,5 to 2 months, and in certain cases and before half a year. The acute form is well-marked, differs in strong puffiness and moknutiy, emergence of an itch and burning in the field of the damaged sites. Chronic process proceeds almost asymptomatically. The only reliable sign for statement of the correct diagnosis is the severe itch.

Disgidrotichesky eczema – a kind of a true form. It is most often localized on soles and palms. It is characterized plentiful, merging in one continuous center of destruction, by bubbles which are covered with a dense scab. Very often this form of a disease has chronic character with the regular periods of an aggravation and will badly respond to treatment. Disgidrotichesky eczema can be shown at people at any age and quite often causes emergence of consecutive infections.

Dry eczema – is most often observed at elderly people and becomes aggravated in winter season. Symptoms are similar to dermatitis therefore comprehensive examination of the patient is necessary for statement of the exact diagnosis. Dry eczema standing is localized, is followed by cracks and a peeling.

The becoming wet eczema – affects an upper part of a breast, hand, a pilar part of the head, interscapular area and bends of extremities. In the beginning on skin of the patient there are multiple scales which quickly develop into bright red small knots, and then and into the bubbles filled with purulent contents or transparent liquid. The becoming wet eczema on hands which treatment is appointed after definition of a cause of illness, causes a severe itch and burning. When combing bubbles burst with allocation of a large amount of liquid and formation of erroziyny sites. The rupture of bubbles can occur and is spontaneous – under pressure of contained in substances. Quite often becoming wet eczema covers a significant area of an integument and strongly worsens quality of human life.

Eczema – treatment of a disease

Тималин - препарат для лечения экземы

The best results are shown by the complex treatment considering specific features of an organism of the patient. The choice of a specific technique depends on the reason, a look and intensity of allergic reaction. In most cases eczema which symptoms are similar to dermatitis disappears after allergen elimination therefore the main efforts of doctors have to be sent to search for a source of an infection. Along with it it is necessary to remove an itch, to normalize a condition of the central nervous system, to improve blood circulation and exchange processes, to reduce the level of excitability of a cerebral cortex.

If eczema is diagnosed for the patient, treatment assumes an integrated approach and use of the most different techniques, including:

  • elimination of endocrine and nervous disturbances;
  • sanitation of the centers of an infection;
  • antiallergenic diet (we will tell about it a bit later);
  • reception of sedative drugs;
  • use of tranquilizers, neuroleptics and antidepressants;
  • injections of antihistaminic drugs;
  • course of treatment by means of antibradikininovy means – a ropirin or Pyrabutolum;
  • at severe forms of a disease it is reasonable to use corticosteroid hormones;
  • high performance also immunocorrective drugs – Thymalinum, тактивин show, decarice, pentoxyl, Diuciphonum and some other.

We mentioned above that at the diagnosis eczema, treatment demands observance of a rigid diet. It is necessary to plan the schedule of food and structure of products so that the organism continued to receive all substances necessary for it, but at the same time it was saved from presence of the components irritating the damaged sites of an integument. For this purpose it is necessary to avoid continuous neutralization of acid in a stomach, to exclude from food spicy food, chocolate, smoked products, a citrus, eggs and alcohol.

If at the person eczema on hands, legs or a body was shown – milk, boiled vegetables, fruit, oil and other natural products are recommended to him.

Eczema at children

The first symptoms of eczema can be shown already at babies. The defeat centers, as a rule, indistinct, have no pronounced borders. Eczema on hands, cheeks, in auricles, on a pilar part of the head and buttocks is characteristic of children. The child begins to comb pruritic sites and by that causes himself still big pain. Reaches before that the kid cannot sleep because of constantly pruritic skin.

Treatment of eczema at children is complicated by the constitution and age of the child, and also features of his nervous system. It is necessary to adhere to a diet, to limit amount of liquids, carbohydrates and table salt, to exclude beef-infusion broths, cocoa, milk, chocolate, semolina porridge from structure of products. Eczema at children is treated by means of the nonspecific desensibilizing means, drugs of calcium and iron. Also appoint the hyposensibilizing nonspecific means – Riboflavinum, a pyridoxine, ascorbic acid, cobalamine.

Sedative drugs and tranquilizers – Mezapamum, Nozepamum, Trioxazinum, a valerian shall be used. From antihistamines Diazolinum, Phencarolum, Suprastinum and isopromethazine are recommended. The exact dosage of all above-mentioned means to you will be prompted by the pediatrician.

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