Main > Diseases> Emphysema of lungs

Emphysema of lungs

General characteristic of a disease

Буллезная эмфизема легких

Emphysema of lungs arises when alveoluses of pulmonary fabric stretch over acceptance limits and lose ability to the return reduction. At the same time there is a disturbance of normal intake of oxygen in blood and a conclusion from an organism of carbon dioxide that leads to heart failure.

According to modern classification are allocated diffusion and violent emphysema of lungs. The first form assumes checkmate of fabrics. Violent emphysema of lungs is diagnosed when the inflated (extended) sites adjoin to normal pulmonary fabric.

Origins of emphysema of lungs

The disease often proves, as a result of chronic bronchitis or bronchial asthma. The violent form can also arise under the influence of hereditary factors and some diseases of lungs, in particular, of tuberculosis. Besides, such factors as smoking and excessive impurity of air exert impact on a course of a disease that is especially characteristic of the large cities.

Emphysema of lungs – symptoms

Severe short wind up to a suffocation, expansion of intercostal spaces, a barrel-shaped thorax, the weakened breath, reduction of mobility of a diaphragm, increase in transparency of pulmonary fields at X-ray inspection – here those symptoms which are proved by emphysema of lungs. Treatment of a disease depends on degree of manifestation of signs and a clinical picture.

Are characteristic of primary stage of development of emphysema of lungs: a heavy asthma, bystry fatigue at any exercise stresses, effect of so-called "puffing", disturbance of gas composition of blood and a collapse of small bronchial tubes.

In process of an aggravation of symptoms of pulmonary fabrics there is an increase in transparency of pulmonary fields, shift of a diaphragm and other changes interfering normal gas exchange.

Emphysema of lungs – treatment and forecasts

At treatment of emphysema of lungs the main actions are directed to elimination of respiratory insufficiency and therapy of a disease under the influence of which the person had a disease. Treatment by folk remedies shows rather effective results, however, we do not recommend to refuse traditional medicamentous methods at all.

Basic principles of treatment of emphysema of lungs:

  • refusal of smoking – one of the most important stages on the way to recovery. Let's notice at the same time that sharp, single-step reduction of number of the smoked cigarettes has much bigger effect, than gradual refusal of tobacco;
  • purpose of antibacterial drugs – the main medicines are anticholinergics (beroduat, атровент), beta-2 sympathomimetics (беротек, salbutamol) and theophyllines (an Euphyllinum, теопек). The choice of drug and intensity of therapy depend on weight of those symptoms which are proved by emphysema of lungs. Treatment by antibacterial complexes is combined with reception of expectorants;
  • the respiratory gymnastics promoting gas exchange improvement. As a rule, to patients appoint atmospheric air with the lowered content of oxygen within 5 minutes. The next 5 minutes of the patient breathes usual air. The cycling scheme repeats 6-7 times during 1 session. The full course of treatment lasts about 3 weeks;
  • Лечение буллезной эмфиземы легких
  • emphysema of lungs which symptoms are connected with pronounced respiratory insufficiency is treated by means of low-line oxygen therapy. It can be used also in house conditions, using as oxygen sources cylinders with the compressed gas or special concentrators;
  • in recent years doctors actively use an aero ionotherapy which shows quite good results at elimination of respiratory insufficiency. The course of treatment lasts 15-20 days;
  • also special respiratory gymnastics, the training programs directed to that the person could control the breath are effective;
  • for the best withdrawal of a phlegm the position drainage is used – the patient accepts a certain pose at which the kashlevy reflex and a viscous phlegm give the smallest inconvenience. At the same time it is possible to combine drainage treatment of emphysema of lungs with the use of expectorant herbs and infusions, for example, of a thermopsis, a Labrador tea, a plantain or coltsfoot.

Whether final treatment of emphysema of lungs is possible? Forecasts are individual in each case and depend on that, how fully patients implement all recommendations of the attending physician and whether they are ready to go to certain victims for the sake of the health. Also huge impact on process of treatment is exerted by early detection and adequate treatment of the disease which led to emphysema.

Emphysema of lungs – treatment by folk remedies

House means:

  • to use juice of a green tops of vegetable of potatoes with daily increase in a dose up to that time until the volume of juice reaches a half of a glass;
  • steam inhalation of potatoes "in a uniform";
  • applying of pieces of previously boiled potatoes to a breast.

Infusions on collecting herbs:

  • to add three tablespoons of flowers of a buckwheat to 500 ml of boiled water. To infuse mix in a thermos within two hours. To accept on a half-glass 3-4 times a day;
  • take by one part of fruits of a juniper and a root of a dandelion, add to them two parts of a leaf of a birch and fill in the turned-out mix with boiled water. Broth infuses within three hours then it is filtered and poured in suitable capacity. It is necessary to use infusion 2-3 times a day. A standard dosage – 1/3 glasses;
  • the teaspoon of potatoes is filled in with a glass of boiled water, one hour infuses and it is filtered. To accept on a half-glass of infusion in 40 minutes prior to food within one month.
Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.