Main > Drugs> Estrofem


Estrofem – the drug relating to group of estrogen.Препарат-эстроген Эстрофем

Pharmacological action of Estrofem

Therapeutic action of Estrofem consists in completion of deficit of endogenous estrogen in an organism. Contained in its structure 17 - beta oestradiol is identical to the estrogen which is formed in a female body and produced by ovaries. Together with specific receptors in a vagina, a uterus, mammary glands, a hypophysis and other bodies to which effect of estrogen is directed hormone forms a complex a receptor-liganid. This complex at interaction with specific elements of a genome and some intracellular proteins promotes synthesis of proteins, i-RNK, causes a growth factor.

Estrofem makes the stimulating impact on development of uterine tubes, a uterus, vaginas, channels of mammary glands, a stroma, and also causes pigmentation in peripapillary area and area of generative organs. Also drug promotes formation of female secondary sexual characteristics, regulates monthly bleedings, suppresses a lactation, stimulates synthesis of some transport proteins, etc.

Besides, drug Estrofem is capable to regulate exchange of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, reduces cholesterol level in blood, raises a libido and promotes improvement of an emotional background.

Release form

Estrofem is issued in the form of tablets, coated. Color of tablets – blue. Content of oestradiol reaches 2 mg. Tablets are packed into a calendar plastic disk in number of 28 pieces. In one box there is one disk.

Indications to Estrofem's use

Drug is recommended by the instruction to Estrofem for use in the following cases:

  • at oestrogenic insufficiency in the period of a climax and at the surgical menopause caused by nonmalignant new growths after beam castration;
  • at an amenorrhea of primary and secondary type;
  • at a hypomenorrhea, a dysmenorrhea, an oligomenorrhea and secondary oestrogenic insufficiency;
  • at a hirsutism against the background of formation of multiple cysts of ovaries;
  • at a vaginitis (at young and senile age);
  • at a hypogenitalism;
  • at infertility;
  • at weak patrimonial activity;
  • in case of postmature pregnancy;
  • at a virilny hypertrichosis at women;
  • for oppression of a lactation;
  • at postmenopauzny osteoporosis;
  • at cancer of milk or prostatic glands;
  • at urogenital frustration (including an atrophic vulvovaginitis, trigonite, a dispareuniya (painful sexual intercourse), an urethritis);
  • at an alopecia against the background of a giperandrogenemiya;
  • as the means capable to stimulate a hemogenesis at the men who transferred acute radiation defeat.


According to medical reviews of Estrofem, drug has a set of contraindications. Therefore before use it is important to exclude at the patient existence of this or that disease and a state which could become a hindrance at drug intake. Treat contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to structure components;
  • the malignant new growths dependent on estrogen, and also suspicions on them;
  • uterine or genital bleedings of unusual character;
  • active phase of thromboembolic diseases or thrombophlebitis (excepting cases of cancer therapy of milk or prostatic glands).

With care Estrofem has to be appointed in the following cases:

  • at thromboses, thrombophlebitises, the thromboembolisms (which arose against the background of reception of estragenosoderzhashchy drugs);
  • at a family giperlipoproteinemiya;
  • at endometriosis;
  • at pancreatitis;
  • at diseases of a gall bladder (in particular cholelithiasis);
  • at a heavy liver failure;
  • at jaundice (including arisen during pregnancy);
  • at a hepatic porphyria;
  • at a leiomyoma;
  • at a hypercalcemia.

Application instruction of Estrofem

The instruction to Estrofem orders administration of drug in number of one tablet daily. It is extremely necessary to avoid breaks in drug intake. A pill from one disk of Estrofem is taken within 21 days then it is necessary to take a break in reception for 7 days, then having resumed treatment.Таблетки Эстрофем

The course of treatment, as a rule, makes 6 months. After term it is necessary to undergo consultations of the doctor about expediency of further reception Estrofem.

Side effects of Estrofem

Estrofem's use is capable to cause emergence of the whole range of undesirable reactions. At women side reactions are most often shown in a look:

  • emergence of sensitivity and morbidity in mammary glands, increase in their sizes;
  • amenorrheas;
  • menorrhagias;
  • emergence of allocations of the "smearing" character during the period between periods;
  • increases in a libido;
  • tumors of mammary glands;
  • hypostases;
  • meteorism, anorexia, nausea and diarrhea.

At men against the background of Estrofem's reception sensitivity and morbidity in a breast sometimes develop, decrease in a libido and emergence of a gynecomastia is possible.

Special instructions

Estrofem has no contraceptive effect and is not capable to protect from pregnancy emergence.

Medical reviews of Estrofem note ability of drug to have protective action on an endometria at its joint reception with progestogens for not less than 10 days during each cycle.

Emergence of unusual or irregular menstrual allocations during Estrofem's use demands carrying out a diagnostic scraping which would allow to exclude existence of malignant new growths in a uterus.

In case of long reception of Estrofem it is recommended to have routine inspections at least once a year.

It is important to mean that long reception of only one Estrofem (monotherapy) increases risk of development of endometrial cancer if the uterus is not removed.

Medical control throughout all course of reception of Estrofem is recommended to the patients having migraine, epilepsy, bronchial asthma and a diabetes mellitus, and also that who accepts anti-hypertensive drugs.

The termination of treatment at emergence of a deep vein thrombosis is recommended, at emergence of jaundice, thromboembolic disturbances, sudden vision disorders, the expressed increase in the ABP, and also before planned surgeries (in 4-6 weeks prior to their carrying out).

Storage conditions

Estrofem is capable to be stored for 4 years without loss of therapeutic effects. It is necessary to store drug at a temperature which is not exceeding 25 °C. Freezing of drug is inadmissible.

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