Main > Drugs> Evamenol


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from 49 rub.

Evamenol – the combined medicine with vasoconstrictive and mestnoanesteziruyushchy action for a symptomatic treatment of rhinitises.

Pharmacological action of Evamenol

Средство для лечения ринитов ЭваменолActive components of Evamenol render local irritative, antiinflammatory and insignificant antiseptic action. As a result of Evamenol's use it is according to reviews facilitated nasal breath that occurs thanks to narrowing of blood vessels of a mucous membrane of the nasal courses.

Pharmacological action of Evamenol according to the instruction is caused by properties of the components which are a part of ointment.

Menthol has local irritative effect, and also slight antiseptic properties.

Eucalyptus oil stimulates receptors of mucous membranes, having at the same time antiseptic and antiinflammatory action.

Form of release of Evamenol

Evamenol release in the form of nasal ointment in which 100 g active components left menthol and oil eucalyptus contain. In tubas on 15 g or in dark glass jars on 20 g.

Evamenol's analogs are drugs in various dosage forms:

  • Syrup – the Mallow, Gerbion, Amtersol, Bronkhikum With, Bronkhipret, Gedeliks, Doctor MOM, Coldrex of a bronchial tube, Cook, Doctor Tayss, Linkas, Pertussin, Prospan, to Terafl of KV, Travisil, Tussin;
  • Vegetable raw materials – the Labrador tea marsh run, the Mallow roots, Chest collecting No. 1-4, the Marjoram a grass, Anis ordinary fruits, the Plantain big leaves, the Thyme a grass;
  • Elixir – Bronkhikum;
  • Pastils – Bronkhikum With, Lincas Laure, the PhytoeNT specialist, Evkalipt-M;
  • Tablets – Mukaltin, Pektusin, Termopsol, Travisil, Mukaltin-Lekt.

Indications to Evamenol's use

Evamenol according to the instruction appoint as symptomatic means at treatment of rhinitis of an acute and chronic current.


Evamenol is not recommended to apply:

  • At hypersensitivity to the components which are a part of ointment;
  • In pediatrics up to two years.

Evamenol route of administration

According to indications Evamenol in a small amount to three times a day it is necessary to apply on mucous membranes of the nasal courses. As a rule, the course of treatment Evamenol should not exceed ten days.

Overdose cases by drug are not recorded.Назальная мазь Эваменол

Evamenol it is possible to apply together with other drugs appointed at treatment of infectious, allergic and catarrhal diseases. Significant medicinal interactions at Evamenol's use with other means it is not established.

Evamenol's use at pregnancy

Correction of a dosage, frequency rate and duration of use of Evamenol at pregnancy is not required.

Side effects

At Evamenol's use according to reviews allergic reactions in rare instances can be observed.

Storage conditions

Evamenol treats a number of symptomatic drugs which issue from drugstores is allowed without appointment of the doctor. An ointment period of storage – no more than 24 months at a temperature up to 20 °C.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Evamenol from cold ointment 15 of

49 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Evamenol ointment from cold of 15 g, Moscow FF (г.Москва)

55 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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