Main > Food stuffs> Guelder-rose


Guelder-rose – the beautiful bush 1,5 - 4 meters high growing in the woods and having the mass of useful properties. The guelder-rose is obliged by the name to bystry maturing of berries: as if "being heated in the sun", they become bright red. Berries of a guelder-rose represent spherical or oval fruits, with a large stone. On taste a guelder-rose bitter-sweet, knitting and a little tart.


Useful properties of a guelder-rose and caloric content

People began to use useful properties of a guelder-rose for treatment in the 14th century.

With approach of frosts useful properties of a guelder-rose become full. Besides, during this period of berry of a guelder-rose become sweet, fragrant and tasty. On the content of vitamins the guelder-rose does not concede to blackcurrant and a black-fruited mountain ash. Berries of a guelder-rose contain such useful substances as:

  • Vitamin A, E, C;
  • Organic acids;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Sahara;
  • Pectins;
  • Carotene;
  • Tannins;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Viburin.

The pectinaceous substances which are present at a guelder-rose actively promote digestion, are capable to recover normal functioning of all digestive tract. Bitterness gives to berries of a guelder-rose substance вибурин, and, thanks to it, useful properties of a guelder-rose are presented by an opportunity to narrow blood vessels.

It is a lot of in berries of a guelder-rose of very useful mineral substances:

  • Sodium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Iron.

Numerous reviews of a guelder-rose contain information on useful properties of a guelder-rose not only in berries, but also in bark, flowers, seeds, leaves and branches of a plant. They contain the following elements:

  • Glycosides;
  • Pitches;
  • Ethers;
  • Tannins.

The useful properties of a guelder-rose which are contained in branches and bark perfectly help at various dermatitis and stop bleeding.

Seeds from berries of a guelder-rose are useful contents in them a large amount of fat oil. Useful properties of a guelder-rose – in its flowers: in them there are a lot of aromatic and mineral substances. This part of a plant exerts beneficial influence on phonatory bands, up to recovery of the lost voice.

Bark, leaves and roots of a guelder-rose are especially rich with tannic and resinous substances, organic acids and vitamin C. Substances as a part of bark of a guelder-rose possess powerful spasmolytic and analgeziruyushchy action, and also recover a condition of a nervous system.

Thus, the most useful properties of a guelder-rose cause the following medical action:

1. Immunostimulating;

2. Antiinflammatory;

3. Cholagogue;

4. Fortifying;

5. Knitting;

6. Diuretic.

National reviews of a guelder-rose contain information that there is no disease at which useful properties of a guelder-rose would not conceive medical effect.

Nutrition value and caloric content of a guelder-rose are 100 grams:

  • Proteins - 0 g;
  • Fats - 0 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 7 g;
  • Guelder-rose caloric content - 26.3 kcal.

Low caloric content of a guelder-rose causes a possibility of its use at observance of a diet and at obesity.

Use of berries of a guelder-rose

Useful properties of a guelder-rose according to the population are used by them all the year round. Berries of a guelder-rose are picked in the winter, and then used in different types:

1. Is fresher;

2. Frozen;

3. Wiped with sugar;

4. Dried.

Any kind of processing does not allow to lose to a guelder-rose of useful properties. Guelder-rose caloric content, at any processing for preparation, remains at the same level, 26,3 kcal. However when drying the caloric content of a guelder-rose decreases and makes no more than 20 kcal.

It is recommended to pick guelder-rose berries after approach of frosts – then they will be not such bitter.

Along with the known useful properties of a guelder-rose of berry widely known reviews of a guelder-rose as about a source of the main curative product – bark are. The guelder-rose in bark has no caloric content, but has the mass of useful properties of a guelder-rose as medical plant. From it prepare broths, tinctures, infusions and apply at the following disturbances of health:

  • Internal bleedings;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Cold;
  • Periodontosis.

There are many positive reviews about a guelder-rose which bark is applied to a stop of any kinds of bleeding. Actively apply this property in gynecology, especially in a puerperal period. Guelder-rose berries decoction well helps women at plentiful periods. Useful property of a guelder-rose to disinfect is applied to treatment of various infectious processes: rinsing of a throat, oral cavity. Guelder-rose berries with honey perfectly help at any catarrhal diseases: it can be used with tea or independently. Besides, this means perfectly removes hypostases of a cordial origin.

Besides, berries of a guelder-rose help to cope with such illnesses as:

1. Gastritis;

2. Hypertension;

3. Atherosclerosis;

4. Ulcer;

5. Cardiovascular diseases;

6. Diarrhea;

7. Edema.

The regular use of the wiped guelder-rose berries with honey will give the chance to strengthen a cardiac muscle and to interfere with development of atherosclerosis.

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Infusions and decoctions from flowers of a guelder-rose treat such diseases:

1. Inflammation of appendages;

2. Scrofula;

3. Allergic dermatitis;

4. Quinsy, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Seeds of a guelder-rose use for production of a substitute of coffee, the main to properties of which are laxative and tonic. Useful properties of a guelder-rose according to patients are highly effective for recovery of a normal dream, calm, stress coping and a nerve strain.

Positive reviews about a guelder-rose contain also in cosmetology. Masks, tonics, lotions on the basis of a guelder-rose have the following properties:

  • Tonic;
  • Recovering;
  • Rejuvenating.

Contraindications and harm at the use of a guelder-rose

The guelder-rose as any medicinal plant, has a number of contraindications. Reviews of a guelder-rose and useful properties of this plant testify including to potential danger of its impact on the following categories of people:

1. Pregnant women;

2. Persons with the increased coagulability of blood;

3. Thrombophlebitis;

4. Hypotonia (the lowered pressure);

5. Arthritis;

6. Gout;

7. Urolithiasis;

8. Stomach hyperoxemia.

Such danger is connected with the fact that properties of a guelder-rose are so brightly expressed that sharp changes in a condition of the person with the listed disturbances of health can provoke. And it, in turn, can threaten with unpredictable behavior of an organism and entail an attack or deterioration in health.

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