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Caloric content of chicken

Калорийность курицы жареной - 254 ккал на 100 граммChicken meat – meat of hens, one of the most widespread grades of meat in the world. In food all parts of a carcass of chicken are used. Caloric content of meat allows to include it in dietary diets, and vitamin and nutriyentny structure do chicken meat by irreplaceable ingredient of a daily diet. What caloric content of boiled chicken? Whether chicken thighs and a breast are equally useful? How many in chicken a grill of calories?

Chicken: caloric content, useful properties of meat

Chicken meat is considered one of the most useful dietary products. Chicken whose caloric content is much lower than the caloric content of pork, beef, mutton is a fine alternative to other grades of meat.

Chicken meat contains glyutaminovy acid, essential oils, iron in high concentration (to 1600 mkg), zinc, potassium, phosphorus, and also a number of the major vitamins (PP, C, A, E, and also the most presented group B).

Chicken whose caloric content is rather low in comparison with nutritional value of meat was long since applied to recovery of forces at high exercise and intellectual stresses, at the weakened immunity and the exhausted organism. Chicken whose caloric content in a boiled look reaches 137 calories contains the polyunsaturated acids playing an important role in prevention of coronary heart diseases, a myocardial infarction, strokes.

The vitamins which are contained in chicken meat contribute to normalization of exchange processes of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in an organism, the balanced work of the central nervous system. Vitamins of group B are necessary for an organism for maintenance of processes of a hemopoiesis, a healthy condition of skin and nails. B12 vitamin promotes elimination of such neurologic symptoms as a depression, sleeplessness. Vitamins of group B stimulate reproductive function, promote normal course of pregnancy and healthy fetation.

Pulp of chicken which caloric content is also low contains the minimum quantity of fibers of connecting fabric that promotes its easier assimilation by an organism. Thanks to the fact that at chicken caloric content low, the use of this product has practically no contraindications.

However not all parts of a chicken carcass are useful. So, if to speak about advantage of chicken breast which caloric content is much less, than chicken quarter then this part of a chicken carcass contains most of all protein and least of all fats. Chicken the breast which caloric content makes only 109 calories in 100 g of a boiled product is considered food for athletes. The regular use of light dietary meat promotes bystry recovery of muscular tissue, fills balance of vitamins and useful substances. Chicken thigh which caloric content in a boiled look reaches 177 calories in 100 g contains more fat (to 15,25 g in 100 g of a product). Chicken thighs are an alternative product between fat grades of red meat and the fat-free chicken breast. Contents in chicken a grill of calories exceeds the caloric content of a boiled breast practically twice (about 200 calories).

Processing of chicken: caloric content of boiled chicken and other chicken meat dishes

Chicken whose caloric content in many respects depends on a way of its preparation is an excellent basic product of any food allowance. Chicken meat, vitamin-rich and microelements, partially loses the useful properties at various ways of heat treatment. So, the most optimum way of preparation of chicken whose caloric content will remain at extremely low level is cooking. The whole boiled chicken whose caloric content averages 155 calories is an optimum dietary product. Boiled chicken is rather nutritious for long saturation of an organism, at the same time its caloric content is rather low that allows to include in small amounts it in a diet of any rigid diet.

If chicken breast which caloric content in a boiled look is low gives in to roasting on fats of plant or animal origin, then the caloric content of 100 g of such product can reach 190 calories and more, depending on additional ingredients as a breading (absorbs a considerable part of fats), mayonnaise and other sauces, honey, syrups.

One more important factor in the course of preparation of chicken meat is chicken skin which accumulates the greatest number of fats, increasing the general caloric content of a dish. So, the chicken thighs fried on vegetable oil which caloric content reaches 254 calories can be made less caloric, previously having skinned with them.Калорийность курицы гриль - 200 ккал на 100 грамм

Chicken offal: caloric content of chicken stomachs

Not only chicken fillet which caloric content makes only 113 calories draws attention of gourmets. A chicken offal is also widely applied in cookery, entering a basis of many dishes. The most popular chicken offal are the chicken liver and stomachs. Chicken stomachs a little dense, and long cooking does not promote their softening. However from it they do not become less nice to the taste. Caloric content of chicken stomachs in a boiled look reaches only 94 calories. The main way of their preparation is boiling. Chicken stomachs can move as an independent dish, at the same time recommend to supplement it with the boiled or steamed vegetables, and as meat addition of soups, broths, salads. Caloric content of chicken stomachs allows to enter them into a dietary diet. Chicken navels are rich with the cellulose promoting digestion improvement and also ashes which is a natural sorbent. Getting chicken stomachs, it is necessary to pay special attention to date of packaging of a product as the period of storage of chilled chicken navels does not exceed two days.

Chicken grill: calories, harmful properties

Chicken a grill is one of variations of preparation of the whole chicken carcass. The most appetizing in this dish is the crisp formed by chicken skin at active roasting on a grill. This crisp also constitutes the greatest danger of a delicious dish. Contents in chicken a grill of calories changes depending on marinade. The chicken meat made on a grill is not among dietary dishes, even considering rather low caloric content (about 200 calories). The constant use of chicken will lead a grill to increase in level of cholesterol in blood that can cause associated diseases (a myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease). At the use of chicken the grill is recommended to remove the baked skin as exactly to contain in it harmful animal fats and cholesterol. Caloric content of boiled chicken can be reduced in the same way. Also it is recommended to skin chicken thighs which caloric content is much higher than breast caloric content previously at any way of preparation.

Chicken – the optimum dietary product allowing at the correct preparation to eat tasty and variously at the same time effectively losing weight.

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