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Chocolate caloric content

Chocolate – the confectionery product made of the cocoa beans ground with sugar. Depending on concentration of cocoa in chocolate distinguish dark, dessert, milk and white chocolate. Thanks to the unique properties chocolate is one of the most popular desserts. Chocolate caloric content – a concept variable. Energy value of chocolate depends not only on a mass fraction of cocoa, but also on the other additives used in the course of production. What useful properties of chocolate? How many calories in chocolate of various grades? How to combine chocolate and a diet?Как правильно рассчитать калорийность шоколадных конфет

Chocolate: grades, chocolate caloric content, useful properties

Chocolate and its useful properties still is a subject of discussions of doctors, many of which agree in opinion that chocolate is an irreplaceable component of a diet thanks to the high content of useful substances, nutritious properties and tastes.

Nutriyentny structure of chocolate:

  • Carbohydrates – from 48 to 55 g;
  • Fats – 32-38 g;
  • Proteins – 4,7 - 6,2.

Also chocolate contains alkaloids (theobromine and caffeine – to 1%) and фенилэтиламин (to 0,5%):

  • Feniletilamin – chemical, a basis of many neurotransmitters, derivatives of this substance are piskhodelika and stimulators;
  • Theobromine – alkaloid, on the properties similar to caffeine, in low dosages causes excitement of a cardiac muscle;
  • Caffeine – the alkaloid which is a powerful psychostimulant.

These substances as a part of chocolate influence the emotional centers of a brain, causing a feeling of a certain euphoria, moods promoting increase, and also the defining properties of chocolate as antidepressant. Concentration of these substances in chocolate it is insignificant it is small that does this product absolutely safe for the person.

Chocolate caloric content in 100 g of a product reaches 680 calories and will depend on structure and fillers of a delicacy. At the same time, the caloric content of chocolates slightly lower and reaches 480 calories on 100 g of a product.

Chocolate contains a number of vitamins, and macrocells, the most important among which potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and also PP, B1, B2, E vitamins are micro.

At rather high caloric content of chocolate, this product has unique properties:

  • Tannin stimulates work of a GIT, promotes removal of slags from an organism, having soft laxative effect;
  • Potassium and magnesium activate muscular and nervous systems that does chocolate by especially useful product for the people playing sports. Magnesium stimulates rhythm of cardiac performance, provides transfer of nervous impulses. Potassium makes the normalizing impact on pressure;
  • Glucose improves activity of a brain, increases working capacity, reduces mental fatigue;
  • The combination of cocoa butter and sugar makes the stimulating impact on processes of production of serotonin and endorphine in a brain;
  • Phenols as a part of chocolate interfere with narrowing of blood vessels, formation of blood clots, stimulate a blood stream, thereby reducing load of heart;
  • Theobromine and caffeine increase body resistance to a stress.

High caloric content of chocolate of any grade promotes bystry saturation of an organism and longer preservation of satiety.

Despite of the high caloric content of chocolate, this product does not lead to obesity at moderate consumption. Also recommend to use chocolate in limited quantities at hypertensions, diabetes, various heart diseases.

Results of some independent researches showed that the regular use of chocolate in small amounts reduces risk of development of peptic ulcers of a GIT, various new growths, and also strengthens protective functions of an organism.

Bitter chocolate: caloric content, structure

According to modern standards, the chocolate containing 60% of cocoa powder and more is bitter.

In 100 g of bitter chocolate which caloric content reaches 540 calories contains about 40% of sugar, to 30% of cocoa butter and about 30% of cocoa that defines structure of the real chocolate. Nuts, grains the coffee, candied fruits, wafers and other components changing chocolate caloric content can be also added to bitter chocolate which caloric content is slightly lower than energy value of milk grades of this product. Recently chocolate with various candy stuffings enjoys special popularity. Buying chocolate, it is necessary to pay special attention it to structure. Cocoa butter – expensive ingredient is also often replaced with cheaper fats (palm, coconut, peanut butter, animal fats) which significantly increase chocolate caloric content, reducing its quality and flavoring properties.

Milk chocolate: caloric content, structure

Milk chocolate which caloric content reaches 550 calories contains 20% of milk powder, to 30% of cocoa (to 15% of cocoa butter) and to 35% of sugar. Owing to lower maintenance of cocoa milk chocolate has no such useful properties as bitter chocolate. However milk chocolate is recommended to children as has no so strong exciting effect on a nervous system.

The milk and cream which are a part of milk chocolate which caloric content is rather high have the calming effect and help to cope with sleeplessness, superexcitation effectively. Milk chocolate, unlike bitter, is recommended to exclude from a dietary diet.

Chocolate and diet: admissible quantities

How many calories in chocolate? Caloric content of chocolate can reach 680 calories depending on ingredients and various flavoring additives. How at the high caloric content chocolate can be combined with a diet?От чего зависит калорийность молочного шоколада

It should be noted that at a diet the use only of bitter chocolate without flavoring additives is allowed (nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits, pomadny stuffings). Chocolate influences pleasure think-tanks, and so, causes content. Some nutritionists recommend to complete each meal during a diet of a small piece of chocolate in which will be enough stimulating substances for ensuring feeling of saturation. At such consumption of this delicacy during a diet it is possible not to consider how many calories in chocolate.

And here milk chocolate and other chocolate products should be excluded from a dietary diet completely, and also to reduce the number of their use in a usual diet. So, the caloric content of chocolates is slightly lower than chocolate caloric content, however candies have no so useful properties, do not provide so long sense of fulness, and also do not cause content.

For drawing up a dietary diet nutritionists recommend to give preference to grades of bitter chocolate with the high content of cocoa (from 72% and above) which bright taste and nutritious properties are capable to provide long saturation and satisfaction. At the same time chocolate caloric content with higher concentration of cocoa is much lower as the caloric content of 100 g of cocoa makes 400 calories.

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