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Caloric content of crackers

Crackers – one of the most favourite dishes. Custom to dry crackers for the first time appeared in Moskovia. In hot weather easter small loafs dried up in the sun. Residents of Moskovia the first tried to soak a dry Easter cake in water. Crackers are loved by both children, and adults. This available and simple dish can be bought in any shop or to prepare independently. Crackers are a fried bread, products from flour with the lowered humidity. Therefore the caloric content of crackers from bread practically same, as well as at usual bread as the cracker represents dehydrated bread. When processing bread in crackers the period of validity of a grain product considerably increases. The number of calories in crackers depends on a way of their preparation.Калорийность сухарей: сладких - к чаю и пресных - к горячим первым блюдам

Structure, advantage and caloric content of crackers

In crackers there is a lot of cellulose, in them there are all components, necessary for a human body (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium). Caloric content of crackers is rather high as they contain a significant amount of carbohydrates. However at the same time crackers very easily are digested. It is considered that this product can give to an organism a necessary charge of energy, but at the same time not too strain a stomach. For this reason crackers recommend to include in a diet during the recovery period after operations, at poisonings.

The advantage and the number of calories in crackers are defined by those raw materials of which they are made. Caloric content of the crackers from bread made without additives equals 392 kcal on hundred grams of a product. And if to consider that one cracker weighs from about 17 to 25 grams, then, respectively, calories the cracker contains from 75 to 100 units.

Crackers are divided into two main types – rich and simple. Rich crackers make of wheat flour of the first or second grade, sugar and fats. For giving of aroma and taste add various additives to them. But rich crackers are harmful to an organism. On harm for an organism this type of crackers is similar to rich bakery products. Simple crackers can be made of rye, wheat and rye and wheat flour. It is useful to use simple croutons instead of fresh bread at problems with digestion as they are perfectly acquired.

How many calories in crackers of different types?

Different types of croutons I have various energy value. So, the caloric content of breadcrumbs makes about 395 kcal, the caloric content of croutons with sugar – 413 kcal on hundred grams of a product, the caloric content of crackers with raisin equals about 411 kcal on hundred grams of a product, and the caloric content of creamy croutons equals about 400 kcal on hundred grams of a product.Калорийность сухарей из черного, белого хлеба и из сдобы

Caloric content of croutons with various tastes strongly differs. Caloric content of croutons increases due to addition in them flavoring additives, oil, salt. Calories croutons contain about 342 (10,8 grams of proteins, 61 grams of carbohydrates, 3,5 grams of fats). A significant amount of calories in croutons is explained by the fact that they are fried on fat, and it increases the caloric content of crackers approximately for 30%.

The recipe of preparation of salty croutons from black bread

For preparation of croutons it is necessary to take black bread (fresh or stale) and to slice its small. Then to salt slices moderately on both sides. It is strong to warm a frying pan with olive or sunflower oil and to accurately lay out the prepared bread slices. Butter layer height in a frying pan has to be about 2-3 mm. As soon as pieces of bread are roasted on the one hand, it is necessary to turn them on other party at once. The main thing not to overroast croutons, otherwise they will become stale. To reduce the caloric content of croutons, it is possible to bake bread pieces in an oven not small fire.

Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.