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Beet caloric content

Modern beet occurred from wild-growing, growing in India and in the Far East. In the past - ate only leaves, and roots intended for the medical purposes. As a result of laborious and long work of selectors, we can eat beet usual and well familiar to us now.Полезные свойства и калорийность свеклы

Advantages, caloric content of beet and its use in traditional medicine

Beet has a huge range of useful and curative properties. At root crops there are many vitamins of group B, PP, mineral substances: iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iodine, bioflavonoids, betaine, etc. Consumption of beet, normalizes a metabolism, recovers good work of digestive organs. And at the same time calories beet contains very little.

Beet is a fine source of phosphorus, copper and vitamin C. Leaves contain a large amount of vitamin A. With its help, toxins are removed, and the low caloric content of beet allows to use it in various diets. Beet helps to prevent emergence and growth of cancer tumors.

The B9 vitamin which is contained in beet solves problems of heart diseases, participates in production in a hemoglobin organism that perfectly prevents anemia and leukemia. Folic acid promotes in creation of new and healthy cells. The organism thanks to it rejuvenates. Beet is ideal for weight loss.

It perfectly cleans kidneys, blood. Eating it, acidity decreases that promotes good clarification of a liver. At the same time beet caloric content small. Very well influences people at whom liquid in an organism has property to be late. And therefore, to people the suffering obesity, it is necessary to eat beet for weight loss. At the same time you should not worry about beet caloric content.

This remarkable vegetable eliminates and removes toxins, stimulates work of a brain, supports psychological health, and a senilism at the use of beet to you will not threaten. And at the same time do not forget, about the low caloric content of beet!

One more advantage is ability of beet to strengthen walls of circulatory capillaries. The useful substances which are contained in it promote vasodilatation and possess the antisclerous and calming action. Removing excessive liquid, beet normalizes work of a cardiac muscle. Beet has calories small therefore it can be recommended safely for prevention and treatment of such diseases as: atherosclerosis, hypertension and other diseases of warmly vascular system.

The pectinaceous substances which are contained in root crops bring cholesterol, heavy metals out of an organism. In intestines development of various harmful microorganisms is late that allows to use also beet for weight loss.

Thanks to high content in root crops of iron and copper, it has fine hemopoietic properties. Therefore it is irreplaceable at anemias and fragility of walls of vessels and capillaries.

Preparation of beet

Beet is recommended to be boiled in a peel, without cutting off roots. So best of all vitamins remain. In crude beet, certainly, there are more useful substances, but in the raw it is acquired worse.

Unlike other vegetables, boiled beet keeps practically all the useful properties, and beet caloric content not high. The mineral salts and vitamins of group B which are its part to heating are not really sensitive.

Beet for weight loss

All mineral substances which are a part of beet have the alkaline nature that at the main acid food, creates favorable conditions for an organism in general. In Latin beet is called by Beta. In it there is a lot of betaine that allows to reduce perfectly arterial pressure, interferes with liver obesity, regulates a metabolism. Beet of calorie contains small, and therefore the lipometabolism is regulated in the best way. Caloric content of beet both in root crops and in leaves small.

How many calories in beet

Beet caloric content on 100 g makes 42 kcal. Therefore it is very effective and useful to weight reduction. At the same time it works as soft laxative and diuretic. Because beet of calorie contains small, it is often included in various diets for weight loss. Knowing how many calories in beet, it is possible to regulate weight easily.Сколько калорий в свекле и как правильно ее употреблять для похудения

Caloric content of boiled beet makes from 40 to 43 calories on 100 g. Including it in a food allowance, it is possible to lose well without prejudice to health weight and at the same time it is fine to feel.

Not only that the caloric content of boiled beet not big, it contains enough cellulose that helps work of intestines.


Despite all the useful qualities and low caloric content beet should be used with care at gastritis, a diabetes mellitus, to persons with an urolithiasis.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.