Main > Diseases> Katalepsy


Каталепсия - восковая гибкостьThe condition of a katalepsy, or so-called wax flexibility, is characterized by a hyposensitivity to external and internal stimuluses and ability of the person to keep any pose which it was given throughout a long time, without making for this purpose absolutely any efforts.

The katalepsy can arise at some mental diseases (schizophrenia, hysteria, etc.), and also during a hypnotic dream.

Features and symptoms of a katalepsy

The main symptoms of a katalepsy are:

  • Hardness in muscles;
  • Decrease in sensitivity to pain and heat;
  • Lack of an opportunity to move extremities or to move.

It is interesting that in this condition of people everything sees and hears, but indicators of his pulse, breath and some other functions are strongly lowered. Duration of a katalepsy makes from one minute to several days, can even sometimes seem that the patient is dead. In certain cases frustration remains very long – weeks, and at times and months.

Development of a cataleptic stupor most often happens gradually: numbness extends from upper extremities and muscles of a neck to the lower part of a trunk and legs. An exit from a condition of a katalepsy has an opposite focus.

During a stupor which is followed by the negativism phenomena, and also at the patient's resistance to attempts to change his current situation, pathological numbness is not found. Also symptoms of a katalepsy are absent at a stupor with catalepsy of muscles.

Katalepsy origins

For today there are two theories considerably differing from each other which shed light on an origin of this state. They are called – the neurologic and psychological reasons.

According to the first point of view emergence and development of a katalepsy is connected with formations of a brain. According to the second theory this phenomenon has purely psychological explanation. So, there is an opinion that emergence of symptoms of a katalepsy is caused by the increased suggestibility.

Disorders and hysterics can precede emergence of morbid condition. Disappearance of an attack is followed by rough emotional manifestations.

Suddenly arisen hysterical stupor fixes the patient's pose, in whatever situation it was at present. For example, cases when the patient stiffens during the conversation with the doctor are known. The attack of a disease overtakes the person who just talked and accompanied the speech with active gestures. At the same time the appearing wax flexibility allows to give to the patient any other pose. Sometimes muscular tension is so big that two persons easily lift the patient, holding it only for a nape and heels.

Treatment of a katalepsy

At treatment of a katalepsy the nature of a disease and feature of its current is taken into account. It should be noted that motive frustration which are observed at some organic lesions of a brain are similar to a condition of a hysterical stupor. For example, such situation is observed if the person has parkinsonism caused by epidemic encephalitis. In this case symptoms of a disease are followed by disturbances which are typical for Parkinson's disease.

Каталепсия - симптомы и лечениеThe interactive imagogika is applied to treatment of a katalepsy. It is the work with internal forces of an organism called in imago image psychotherapy. Thanks to this technique the patient can see own sick body. After that on the basis of the received picture the positive image which makes the treating impact is created.

In most cases the katalepsy represents process which slows down the strong-willed movements and belongs to a certain irritant. The disease can be an indicator of the hypnosis arising under the influence of formal induction or is spontaneous.

Often hypnosis is inspired as has the therapeutic purposes which are connected directly with treatment. In the form of purposeful reaction the katalepsy is used in case it is required to limit as much as possible ability of the patient to move, for example, for more bystry recovery of his health. Besides, it is the cornerstone of drawing attention of the patient, representing, thus, the inductor.

Treatment of a katalepsy needs to be carried out in the specialized psychological centers and it is exclusive with the assistance of experienced specialists.

Whether you know that:

To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.