Main > Diseases> Keratoacanthoma


Keratoacanthoma – a benign tumor which often recurs after a cryolysis and is located on a face, open parts of a body, forearms and extremities, generally at advanced age. Seldom the tumor meets in the sky, cheeks, lips, a nose or under nails.Доброкачественная опухоль кератоакантома

In 6% of cases the keratoacanthoma in the absence of treatment flows in planocellular cancer. The keratoacanthoma of skin has an appearance of a dome-shaped exophytic node from grayish-red to a blue shade. The central part of a tumor is filled with horn masses, and at the edges it towers over skin level. The keratoacanthoma quickly grows, reaching the big sizes within several days or weeks.

Classification of a keratoacanthoma

Keratoacanthomas divide into the following types:

  • Huge (reaching in sizes up to 10-20 mm);
  • Solitary (single);
  • Keratoacanthomas with peripheral growth;
  • Hyponychial which grow from a nail bed to a nail plate in high gear and gradually become similar to the nodes covered with a crust;
  • Multiple in combination with immunosuppression and Togge's syndrome;
  • Fungoid, having an appearance of flat or convex tumors with a smooth surface which is covered with ortokeratozny masses;
  • Multinodulyarnye which it is characterized by existence on a tumor of several craters merging or located separately with formation of large ulcers of irregular shape;
  • Tubero-serpiginoznye, having an appearance of the semi-spherical center of irregular shape, with the thinned skin and a small amount of horn masses with the central ulceration.

Keratoacanthoma reasons

Are the reasons of a keratoacanthoma:

  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Ultra-violet radiation;
  • Influence of tar, carcinogens and mineral oils;
  • Gene mutations r53;
  • Decrease in immunity;
  • Radiation;
  • Mechanical injuries;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Viral infections (papillomavirus and others).

Development of a keratoacanthoma of skin

In the development the tumor passes through several stages:

  • At the first stage the keratoacanthoma is in a stage of active growth which begins with emergence of the small and gradually growing hillock;
  • At the second stage the tumor stops in growth and is stabilized;
  • At the third stage there comes the phase of sudden regression when the tumor disappears, and on its place the hem is formed.

The third stage usually occurs after 6-9 months after emergence, and at times without surgical intervention never comes. That is or the tumor will disappear, having left behind a hem, or to turn into planocellular cancer.Кератоакантома кожи - причина плоскоклеточного рака

Diagnosis of a keratoacanthoma of skin

Diagnosing of a tumor happens on the basis of clinical manifestations, by means of an ekstsizionny biopsy and a biopsy of a zone of the roller. On the basis of the conducted researches the stage of a keratoacanthoma and its further treatment is defined.

Treatment of a keratoacanthoma

The keratoacanthoma of skin passes in many cases independently, without demanding any medical intervention, however effects in the form of hems independently do not disappear. This fact and ability to develop into malignant tumors are also the main reasons for surgical treatment of tumors.

Surgical treatment of a keratoacanthoma of skin can be done with the help:

  • Laser therapy which deletes new growths on any sites of skin;
  • Cryosurgery which is efficient at early stages of a tumor and for which use liquid nitrogen;
  • Electrosurgery which is carried out by electric current;
  • Cutting off of a tumor surgical scalpel.

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Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.