Main > Food stuffs> Kinoa


Description of a kino

The Kinoa belongs to grain one-year crops from family of the Goosefoot family growing in South America on slopes of the Andes. This rather high plant (reaching in height almost human height) with the light green stalk and roundish leaves similar to orach leaves. Grains by the form remind buckwheat of various color, and to taste – neoshelushenny rice. Depending on color of grains (beige, red or black) the kino is divided into three main types.

Зерна киноа

Titikak's coast, the biggest mountain lake on the planet, it is considered to be the homeland of a kino. This plant was cultivated for an appreciable length of time by inhabitants of valleys of hillsides (at the height of 3000-4000 m above sea level) where severe climatic conditions dominate.

Inca cultivated "Gold grain" on an equal basis with potatoes and corn. Such name was connected not only with the area height where grew up a kino, but with a set of useful properties of which ancient Inca knew. In lean years of a kino replaced with it rice, bread and potatoes.

After this plant began distribution on the world, it successfully got accustomed in Tibet, the Himalayas and other massif. Now the kino is also grown up on the sea coasts and on soils where earlier there was jungle.

The kinoa gained the recognition since the nineteenth century in Europe. In Russia it called an orach of a kino or an orach rice. After useful properties of this plant were open and studied, announced 2013 of UNESCO the International year of a kino.

Structure of a kino

In 100 g of a kino contains:

  • 13,28 g of water;
  • 14,12 g of proteins;
  • 6,07 g of fats;
  • 57,16 g of carbohydrates;
  • 7 g of cellulose (food fibers);
  • 2,38 g of ashes.

Among the vitamins which are a part of a kino, the leading place is taken by sincaline and ascorbic acid (70,2 and 6,8 mg in 100 g of grains respectively). Also it contains beta carotene, Riboflavinum, a pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, tocopherol and RR vitamin.

From macrocells most of all contains potassium and phosphorus (563 and 457 mg respectively), from microelements – iron and zinc (4,57 and 3,1 mg respectively).

Caloric content of 100 g of a kino makes 368 kcal.

Useful properties and advantage of a kino

According to nutritionists of a kino has no useful substances, equal among grain by quantity. In comparison with wheat, rice and barley in a kino more cellulose, alpha tocopherol, folic acid, Riboflavinum and complex carbohydrates contains.

Also many food specialists compare a kino to maternal milk as it is acquired by an organism almost completely. Besides, it treats one of the best sources of the vegetable whole protein necessary for athletes, children, pregnant women and vegetarians. According to representatives of the NASA agency of a kino is an ideal product for food of astronauts.

Represents undoubted advantage of a kino for allergic persons as gluten is not its part.

The Kinoa contains a lot of lysine which promotes digestion of calcium, bystry healing of fabrics, formation of bones, growth of hair, and also prevents development of anemia.

A large amount of cellulose, vitamins A, groups B, C and D and the tryptophane promoting synthesis of hormone of joy (serotonin) does useful a kino for those who have diabetes, a hypertension and various heart diseases.

The advantage of a kino as dietary product is also proved. The unique combination of a large amount of protein and amino acids to the minimum quantity of fat allows to apply it in a daily diet as the product promoting decrease in excessive weight.

Use and recipes of preparation of a kino

The Kinoa belongs to universal cereals – from it it is possible to make porridge, to make vegetable oil and salad of sprouts of germinated grain.

Three rules belong to the main secrets of the correct preparation of a kino:

  • Grain needs to be washed out well that porridge did not taste bitter;
  • The Kino should not be digested that grains did not become limp;
  • After preparation porridge should be stirred carefully to avoid adhesion.
Каша из киноа

Porridge from a kino is perfectly combined with many products: mushrooms, raisin, dried cranberry, dried apricots, dates, paprika, carrot, parsley, cilantro, celery, fennel and dried apricots. Also it can replace rice in vegetable pilaf.

It is possible to bake not only bread, but also confectionery of the flour received from grains of a kino, for example, cookies with sesame. Also produce the pasta made of flour from a kino.

For preparation from a kino of the drink of grain of a plant which is perfectly satisfying thirst it is necessary to mix with sugar and to dilute with water.


The Kinoa has practically no contraindications except for cases of individual intolerance of this plant. The only caution of nutritionists care in reception of a kino by children and nursing mothers as their sensitivity to this plant is unknown is considered.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.