Main > Diseases> Cyst of a neck of uterus

Cyst of a neck of uterus

Cyst of a neck of uterus (or Nabotova a cyst) – a disease at which on the surface of a neck of uterus cysts muciferous which are a consequence of inflammatory processes of a cervicitis and endocervicitis are formed. The disease Киста шейки матки или Наботова кистаcomes to light at visual gynecologic survey, ultrasound examination of a small pelvis and a kolposkopiya.

The internal surface of the channel of a neck of uterus is covered in one layer with a cylindrical epithelium which contains glands developing the special secret called Nabotova of gland. An outside part of a uterus is covered with a flat epithelium without glands which performs protective and barrier functions, without passing an infection in an internal cavity of the uterus.

Diseases of a neck of uterus arise when cylindrical and flat an epithelium change, that is cells of a flat epithelium appear in an internal part of a uterus, and cylindrical – in outside. Decrease in immunity is result of this modification, there is an inflammation and obstruction of Nabotovy glands, and cysts are formed. Cysts of a neck of uterus have an appearance of medium-sized multiple or single hillocks of ochroleucous color of average density which size makes from 1 mm to 2 cm and more.

Symptoms of a cyst of a neck of uterus

Symptoms of a cyst of a neck of uterus are absent, course of a disease does not cause either disturbances of a menstrual cycle, or a periods delay, or bloody allocations from a genital tract.

Treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus

Treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus begins with the kolposkopiya representing process of piercing of the capsule of a cyst via which contents follow.

The combination of phytotherapeutic homeopathic remedies in the form of vaginal and rectal suppositories with physiotherapeutic procedures, such as ultrasonic sanitation of a vagina, vacuum sanitation of the cervical channel and vaginal thermoirrigation by solution of the sanifying means is applied to treatment of recurrent cysts.

Removal УЗИ кисты шейки маткиof a cyst of a neck of uterus is carried out by means of laser destruction or a radio wave method. Treatment by a radio wave method has to be performed in aseptic conditions once for 1-2 seconds and without serious consequences by the device "Surgitron".

Modern way of removal of a cyst of a neck of uterus is cryotherapy. It is carried out by means of liquid nitrogen which processes an affected area.

National treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus

Treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus is possible not only by methods of traditional medicine, but also folk remedies.

Recipes of national treatment of a cyst of a neck of uterus is the following:

  • The kneaded segment of garlic is wrapped in a gauze and in the form of a tampon entered into a vagina for 30 days;
  • The cut yolks of seven hard-boiled eggs mix with a glass of flour of pumpkin sunflower seeds and halfliter of sunflower oil. The received mix, continuously stirring slowly, heat on the water bath within half an hour, and then cool. Ready mix is accepted on an empty stomach in the morning on one teaspoon by five days in five days until it completely ends;
  • Four tablespoons of the dried-up and previously crushed partitions of walnuts fill in with three glasses of boiled water, then put on slow fire and within 15-20 min. boil, then filter broth and cool. Ready mix is accepted on a half of a glass three times a day;
  • The leaves of a burdock crushed via the meat grinder are wrung out from juice which in the first two days is accepted inside on one teaspoon twice a day, for the third and fourth day – on 1 teaspoon three times a day, and further on one tablespoon three times a day for 30 days. Ready juice of a burdock is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator;
  • Fill in with one glass of alcohol or vodka 2 tablespoons of fresh flowers of a white acacia, insist in the dark place then filter and accept inside on one tablespoon three times a day for a month;
  • One teaspoon of flowers of a bird cherry ordinary and herbs of a celandine, two teaspoons of a root of chicory, flowers of a calendula and a grass of the mountaineer bird's, three teaspoons of hips cinnamon, leaves of a sea-buckthorn krushinovidny and leaves of a plantain, pharmaceutical and five teaspoons of leaves of a gonochoristic nettle fill in four teaspoons of flowers of a camomile with a glass of boiled water, cover and five hours insist in the warm place. Ready mix is accepted on one tablespoon twice a day for a month.

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