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Kiwi for weight loss

According to various sources, the homeland of a kiwi is China. It is called still "the Chinese gooseberry" or "a monkey peach". And this fruit received the unusual tender name in New Zealand, because of similarity to a little birdie of a kiwi, an emblem of this country.Калорийность киви и эффективность употребления при похудении

Yet quite recently we almost knew nothing about a kiwi. And not really it impresses with the mokhnatenky look. But it is worth clearing it and to cut as we pleasantly are surprised to its unusual aroma, tenderness and a cheerful coloring. Today kiwis are very popular not only on the flavoring, but also curative qualities. And many women with success use a kiwi for weight loss.

Useful properties of a kiwi

The kiwi is the most important keeper of vitamin C, so necessary for each person today. It also contains a large amount of potassium which protects our cardiovascular system, the iodine responsible for stability of immunity. The use of a kiwi reduces every day risk of formation of blood clots. The kiwi contains a large amount of folic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins of group E and D. Juice of a kiwi increases intellectual and physical activity, has the properties which are slowing down tumoral educations, being good antioxidant.

The kiwi have one more very curious property. It perfectly burns fats. And therefore nutritionists recommend to use a kiwi for weight loss. Presently, when all of us aim at perfection, the tightened figure is an indicator of our success. According to a kiwi for weight loss allows to get rid with ease of extra kilos of body weight and at the same time not to do harm to the health.

Kiwi caloric content

How many calories in a kiwi – this question borrows, of course, everyone to keep symmetry of the figure. We hurry to calm you. You can without fear eat this wonderful fruit since the caloric content of a kiwi makes only 47 kcal on 100 g of products, i.e. eating one average fruit of a kiwi, you use only 47 kcal.

At a dried kiwi caloric content much higher and makes already 355 kcal. Therefore for weight loss of a kiwi use exclusively fresh.

Fresh fruits of a kiwi widely use in cookery as additions to desserts for persons interested to lose weight, but at the same time to use different a yum-yum.

Diet with a kiwi

Let's talk about the diet based on use of a kiwi for weight loss. The use a day not less than 10 fruits of this remarkable product is the cornerstone of this diet. We already answered a question of that how many calories in a kiwi. Therefore this fruit can be included in the daily menu without fear of increase in its general caloric content.

The main portion of a kiwi needs to be used in the middle of the day, i.e. during the lunchtime. These are about 4 - 5 fruits. Distribute the others between a breakfast and a dinner. At the same time preferably to make dietary salad with a kiwi in the evening.

Well at a diet with a kiwi to include in the menu cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, kefir, fish, cheese and meat of chicken, low-fat grades. Adhere to this diet two weeks and then gradually you pass to the usual diet. It is possible to repeat this diet not earlier, than in two months. Using this diet, you will lose 4-5 kilograms.

The people using a kiwi for weight loss leave comments most often positive. They quite often report that they by means of fresh fruits of this amazing fruit lost up to 5-6 kilograms of weight. Tell as well about the methods of preparation of dishes using a kiwi – salads, porridges, fruit mixes. Some complain that it was not succeeded to dump all excess weight at once. But it is impossible to forget that any diet not a panacea from problems. And for effective weight reduction it is necessary to combine it with sports activities.

Cocktail for weight loss from a kiwi

Now preparation of various cocktails is popular. They are prepared from anything. They are tasty, nutritious and do not burden a stomach.

Here several recipes of preparation of easy cocktails for weight loss from a kiwi:

  • For preparation of milkshake from a kiwi you will need 2 fruits of a kiwi, the average sizes, 1 banana, 200 ml of milk, vanilla – 1 bag, on the 2nd tablespoons of vanilla and caramel ice cream. Do not worry, there is not a lot of calories. We mix everything in the blender, and cocktail is ready.Диета с киви - отзывы и результаты
  • Cold green cocktail for weight loss from a kiwi will perfectly refresh you during a summer time. He prepares simply. We take 5 pieces of a kiwi, 3 branches of a celery, 1 banana or orange, 2 glasses of water, an ice cube, we mix everything in the blender, and then we drink with pleasure.
  • Very easy cocktail from a kiwi with mint is absolutely simple. We crush a kiwi, we mix with kefir and we add mint. In total in the mixer – and bon appetit.

Contraindications to the use of a kiwi

Low caloric content of a kiwi and high concentration in it useful substances has magnificent tonic effect on an organism. Both adults, and children can use a kiwi, juice from a kiwi. But there are certain restrictions. Cannot eat a kiwi the people inclined to an allergy, and also having digestive tract diseases. You remember it.

To everyone to lose weight without prejudice to health we advise to include a kiwi in the food allowance.

Whether you know that:

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