Main > Diagnostic methods> Kolonoskopiya


Процедура колоноскопииIntestines research methods exists a little today, however the most reliable method of detection of a colon cancer is the kolonoskopiya. The stomach palpation, laboratory analyses, beam ways of diagnosis (X-ray, ultrasound, a tomography) also help the doctor with diagnosis. Nevertheless, only the kolonoskopiya of intestines allows to glance without surgical intervention inside and to directly consider a condition of an intestinal wall.

Indications to an intestines kolonoskopiya

Doctors recommend to make a kolonoskopiya for specification of the diagnosis to patients with such symptoms:

  • black chair;
  • blood in a chair;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • constant diarrheas;
  • serious inexplicable weight loss;
  • ulcer colitis;
  • the pathology revealed at X-ray inspection of a large intestine;
  • polyps of a large intestine;
  • chronic abdominal pain.

It is necessary to make a kolonoskopiya in the presence at the patient of the family anamnesis of a colon cancer.

In general the indication to carrying out a kolonoskopiya of intestines is suspicion on any of possible diseases of a large intestine. In certain cases for diagnosis appoint an irrigoskopiya in the beginning – X-ray inspection of a large intestine, however at suspicion of a tumor most often recommend to make a kolonoskopiya as its resolving power is much higher.


  • acute infectious diseases;
  • peritonitis;
  • late stage of pulmonary or heart failure;
  • severe forms of ischemic and ulcer colitis.

Preparation for a kolonoskopiya

That results of a research were the most exact, in a gleam of a large intestine there should not be a liquid and fecal masses. For this purpose carry out special preparation for a kolonoskopiya.

Схема проведения колоноскопииFor several days, exact quantity the doctor will define, the patient passes to the diet excluding slag products from a diet: bean, fresh fruit and vegetables, cabbage, black bread, some porridges.

Also obligatory stage of preparation for a kolonoskopiya is purgation which possible in two ways: medicamentous or mechanical (i.e. by means of enemas). In the first case the doctor, as a rule, appoints special drug Fortrans which begins to be accepted a day before carrying out a research. In the second case give enemas 2-3 cleansing evening in the day preceding the procedure, and 2-3 morning just before diagnosis.

Choosing a specific method of preparation for a kolonoskopiya, surely it is worth consulting with the doctor.

Kolonoskopiya under anesthetic or without anesthesia?

Usually the kolonoskopiya is carried out without anesthesia, do to patients with the expressed pains in the area local anesthesia (xylocainum gel, dikainovy ointment).

Many patients, being afraid to do this procedure, are interested whether the kolonoskopiya under anesthetic is possible. Doctors claim that at the vast majority this inspection does not cause the expressed pain. Moreover, at a number of fortunes just it is impossible to make an anesthesia at an intestines kolonoskopiya, including at the expressed heart failure, a heavy stenosis of the aortal or mitral valve, at an exacerbation of bronchopulmonary diseases, at acute psychiatric and neurologic diseases.

But there are situations when the kolonoskopiya under anesthetic is more preferable, and for this purpose there are also indications, for example, massive commissural processes in an abdominal cavity, heavy destructive processes in a small bowel, children up to 10 years.

Therefore the kolonoskopiya under local anesthesia is used extremely seldom if there is a need for anesthesia, then sedations – to an anesthesia method special drugs by means of which the person is immersed in a condition of superficial medication sleep prefer.

Technology of holding procedure

Kolonoskopiya who will be seen off by the experienced doctor lasts about 30 minutes. Before the procedure the patient is given the weakening drug. The patient to lay down on a couch on the left side, having tightened knees to a breast. The colonoscope – the long flexible tool, by about 1 cm in the diameter is applied. This device is entered through an anus and at moderate air supply, straightening guts, gradually advanced. For simplification of advance of the device of the patient can ask to replace situation – to turn over on a back.

At the time of overcoming bends of a gut of people can feel discomfort, easy spasms and short-term strengthening of pain.

If during a kolonoskopiya the doctor notices any pathologies, he does a biopsy – takes small samples of fabric for the further analysis which will help to define the nature of education. In this case research time increases a little.

Complications after a kolonoskopiya

Complications after carrying out a kolonoskopiya of intestines are practically not observed. In rare instances happens:

  • bleeding can arise after removal of a polyp or a biopsy, but usually it minimum and very quickly stops;
  • side reaction on sedative drug;
  • the gap in the inspected fabrics happens extremely seldom, quality of inspection depends on professionalism of the medical professional.
Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.