Main > Drugs> Kolposeptin


КолпосептинKolposeptin – the combined means for topical administration with antibacterial and disinfecting action.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – tablets vaginal (on 6 pieces in a blister strip packaging, in a cardboard pack 3 packagings).

Content of active agents is to 1 tablet:

  • Promestriyen – 10 mg;
  • Chlorquinaldol – 200 mg.

Auxiliary components.

Indications to use

Kolposeptin's use is shown for topical administration in gynecology:

  • Treatment of an ekzotservitsit, bacterial vaginosis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of a vagina of bacterial genesis (except the infections caused by gonokokka);
  • Candidiasis (therapy of easy forms);
  • Prevention of the chronic recurrent infectious diseases of a vagina caused by flora sensitive to chlorquinaldol;
  • Preparation of a neck of uterus before childbirth.

Besides, tablets vaginal are appointed to patients after the surgery connected with a uterus erosion for acceleration of processes of recovery of an epithelial layer.


  • Estrogenzavisimy tumors;
  • Children's age;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to drug components.

Use of vaginal tablets is contraindicated to the patients using spermicidal means or latex condoms as contraception.

With extra care it is recommended to appoint drug in the I trimester of the period of pregnancy.

Route of administration and dosage

Tablets are intended for deep intravaginalny introduction.

For introduction the patient has to accept horizontal position and lying on spin, having bent legs in knees, to enter the tablet moistened with water into a vagina. After introduction it is necessary to keep a starting position within 1 hour and more.

The dose and the period of treatment are appointed by the gynecologist on the basis of clinical indications.

The recommended dosing, usually, makes on 1 tablet of 1 times a day (before going to bed). Course of treatment of 14-18 days.

In need of achievement of bystry effect or in case of a severe form of a disease the daily dose can be raised to 2 tablets, applying in the morning and in the evening.

Treatment can be begun in any day of a menstrual cycle, without interrupting during menstrual bleeding.

By preparation of a neck of uterus for childbirth appoint on 1 tablet a day within 5-6 days.

During use of tablets it is necessary to use panty hygienic liners.

Side effects

Kolposeptin is, usually, well had by patients.

In some cases drug can cause side effects:

  • Development of local allergic reactions, including feeling of heat, itch, burning of a mucous membrane of a vagina and skin of a crotch, hyperemia;
  • Metrorrhagia.

Special instructions

Tablets are not intended for intake.

Treatment should be carried out under control of the doctor.

In case of development of the uterine bleeding which is not connected with a menstrual cycle (metrorrhagia) it is necessary to see urgently a doctor for purpose of symptomatic therapy.

To provide full dissolution of a tablet in a vagina, especially at its dryness, before introduction the tablet needs to be moistened with water always.

It is impossible to use latex condoms as chemical composition of tablets vaginal reduces their protective properties as contraception.

During treatment it is recommended to use other contraceptives or to refuse sexual contacts.

At development of reactions of hypersensitivity it is recommended to pick up alternative therapy.

Medicinal interaction

Simultaneous use of Kolposeptin leads to decrease in efficiency of spermicidal means.

The medicines containing compounds of iodine and metals reduce pharmacological effect of chlorquinaldol.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at a temperature up to 25 °C. To protect from children.

Period of validity – 5 years.

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