Main > Drugs> Horse sorrel

Horse sorrel

Конский щавельHorse sorrel – the herbaceous perennial plant with large and a little wavy leaves reaching 1,5 meters in height. It still call a sorrel dense, a konyatnik, a frog kislitsa. Collect a sorrel on pastures, river coast, meadows, glades, road roadsides and slopes of hills with moderate humidity.

Medicinal properties

Use to a horse sorrel in medicine was found that its seeds, leaves and roots contain vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, organic acids, the resinous and knitting substances, iron, calcium, glycosides. Seeds need to be prepared in August, and to collect leaves and it is possible to prepare from them medical tinctures throughout all summer.

The special attention is deserved by a root of a horse sorrel, it is considered that from all parts of a plant it is most useful. Prepare roots in the spring before there are leaves or in the fall when stalks and leaves of a plant dry.

Such medicinal properties of a horse sorrel are known – it renders bactericidal, antiinflammatory, sedative, vermifuge action, stops bleeding, lowers pressure, relaxes muscles of internals.

The sorrel helps at ulcer gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, cholecystitis, a coloenteritis, hemorrhoids, a hypertension, skin diseases, cough, headaches.

The means prepared from a sorrel help with a small dosage at diarrhea and have cholagogue effect, and at use of a sorrel in a big dosage, on the contrary, the laxative effect is noted.

Prepare from a tincture sorrel, extracts, juice, broths and ointments. Also the fresh crushed leaves or a root help: they can be put to abscesses, wounds, to use for treatment of other skin diseases.

For treatment of migraine wipe with juice of a sorrel temples and a forehead. If to dissolve juice with water, they can rinse a mouth for removal of a dentagra and inflammations mucous. Also helps to bring juice out of a sorrel of worms.

For treatment of itch prepare ointment from a root of a horse sorrel. For this purpose the root which is dried up and erased in powder is mixed with vegetable oil, vaseline or animal fat. Powder from roots helps at furuncles and skin ulcers. Dry sorrel roots in a shadow on the street or in a house oven (temperature - no more than 60 degrees). Before drying up them it is necessary to wash out, to dry and cut a little on small pieces.

For intake from a sorrel prepare infusions. At the same time seeds, leaves or roots of a plant are used. To prepare medical infusion, 2 spoons tea raw materials fill in with boiled water (250 ml), and maintain about one and a half hours in a thermos. For treatment of diarrhea it is means it is necessary to accept 2 spoons of dining rooms before food 3 р / day. For treatment of gastrointestinal diseases – on 50 g before food. For treatment of a lock infusion is recommended to use for the night, on 200-250ml – the ease usually comes through 8-10ch, in the morning. It is possible to be syringed by the same infusion at gynecologic diseases.Корень конского щавеля

Broth is prepared in the same proportions, but 20-30 minutes boil it on small fire, apply it according to the same indications, as tincture. It is possible to store these means no more than five days.

For long storage it is possible to prepare spirit tinctures on a horse sorrel in the ratio 1:10 if on vodka or 1:5 if on alcohol. Accept tincture, having diluted previously with water, before food till 20-30 of drops.

Contraindications to use

Use of a horse sorrel to contraindicated pregnant women, children, at diseases of kidneys.

The dosage of drugs on a sorrel is of great importance therefore it is desirable that appointment was done by the attending physician.

Whether you know that:

According to opinion of many scientists, vitamin complexes are almost useless for the person.