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Goat milk

People began to use goat milk in food at the time of an extreme antiquity. So on a legend, the father of gods and people Thunderer Zeus, right after the birth, was given on education to the nymph Melissa. She raised him milk of a goat of Amaltei. Hippocrates, Avicenna knew about advantage of goat milk. In the works they wrote that it is necessary for treatment of a consumption, and regular its uses are prevented by dotage development. Goat milk contains many useful substances. Modern nutritionists recommend it to patients with anemias, osteoporosis. According to reviews, goat milk allows to stop a migraine attack, and also promotes bystry backfilling.

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Advantage of goat milk

Rich chemical composition causes advantage of goat milk for health of the person. Protein in it is in a form of the beta casein forming small and friable flakes at digestion thanks to what it is acquired much better, casein of cow's milk.

It contains vitamins of the B, A, C group in a large number. Speaking about advantage of goat milk it is necessary to tell also about availability in it of the B12 vitamin especially important for the growing children's organism.

Goat milk in the most optimum proportions contains calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D. Thanks to it digestion of calcium happens almost completely. Therefore it is useful not only for children, but also for adults. According to reviews goat milk reduces risk of development of rickets in children and osteoporosis at elderly people, besides reduces terms of an union of fractures of bones.

Goat milk is several times fatter than some cow's milk. But at the same time fat in it contains in a digestible form. This quality of goat milk justifies inclusion of this food stuff in a diet of children, elderly people, the exhausted patients. However persons should not abuse it, with tendency to obesity.

The advantage of goat milk consists also in its low allergenicity. At intolerance of cow's milk goat becomes the most real exit.

According to reviews goat milk prolongs youth of the person, increases protective forces of an organism.

Goat milk for feeding of children of chest age

Many people consider that at insufficient quantity at mother of breast milk the best exit is the child's dokarmlivaniye goat milk. But actually it not so. Goat milk contains almost four times more mineral salts that leads to considerable load of the child's kidneys. In addition in it there is not enough iron, folic acid. When feeding children only goat milk at them anemias quite often develop. From told it is visible that harm of goat milk is obvious to health of the baby. Therefore in need of transfer of the baby into the mixed or artificial feeding it is better to use after all the adapted milk mixes. And goat milk should be included in a diet of children is more senior than one year.

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Harm of goat milk

Goat milk can be a source of such serious disease as a brucellosis. Never drink the raw goat milk which is especially bought in the market from unknown persons. Before the use boil it and you store in the refrigerator.

Harm of goat milk is also that it weakens a peristaltics of intestines and can lead to emergence of locks. As goat milk reduces secretion of a gastric juice, it is not necessary to drink it before food or directly after it not to create additional load of digestive tract. Besides it has to be completely excluded from a diet of the people having pancreatitis (a pancreas inflammation).

Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.