Main > Drugs> Groundsel


Крестовник обыкновенныйThe groundsel is the largest sort from all flowering plants. It concerns Astrov' family. Concerning its types data of botanists disperse and cover from 1000 to 3000 types which meet everywhere and have the most various life-forms.

The most widespread is the groundsel ordinary – the annual plant relating to family of a thistle family and having the upright low-branchy stalk reaching the maximum height of 60 cm. Leaves at a plant oblong, next, deep-pinnatifid or lobular. Flower baskets of an ordinary plant not really big also consist of yellow tubular flowers.

Generally the most part of all types of a groundsel collects all flowers in inflorescences on tops because of what plants become similar to daisies. Coloring of flowers depends on a look and can be blue, red, violet, purple, yellow and orange. The plant can have a fruit only in the form of seeds.

Plants of this sort are widespread worldwide, they with identical success can be met also in the Arctic regions, and in hot tropics. The biggest specific variety, perhaps, meets in the Mediterranean and in South America.

The groundsel prefers the grassy places located near settlements and on roadsides of roads. The plant is considered a weed as grows almost everywhere. In the medicinal purposes only an elevated part is used.

Use of a groundsel

Крестовник широколистныйThe groundsel ordinary contains alkaloids сенепин and senecionine, and also vitamin C, a set of complex substances which are so far poorly studied. In the Tibetan medicine flowers of plants are applied as a part of other means which can be appointed at encephalitis, disturbances of cerebral circulation, anemias and breakdown.

The Bulgarian traditional medicine assumes the use of a groundsel in the most part outwardly, treat them often burns and wounds.

Traditional medicine of France advises use of a plant in the form of broth or ointment (the grass pounded with oil). Such means are used for treatment of blood abscesses, hemorrhoidal cones and the hardened mammary glands. The squeezed-out juice of a plant is considered good means against worms, and also to them hysterical spasms and gripes treat.

Traditional medicine of Priamurye and Primorye uses infusions and broths of a groundsel for any treatment of disturbances in a menstrual cycle. Besides, it is considered good styptic and a helminthicide.

To prepare plant infusion it is necessary to fill in with two glasses of boiled water a teaspoon of a dry grass, and then to insist about an hour. After that infusion needs to be filtered and accepted twice or three times a day on a tablespoon.

Infusion at disturbance of a menstrual cycle is effective. Compresses and poultices with use of infusion are useful when swelling testicles. At the regular use infusion of a groundsel is capable to increase quantity of a seed at the man, specialists in this case recommend to use infusion three times a day on 1/3 glasses.

A few other properties at plant juice which is recommended to use at ulcers and not healing wounds in the form of washings or lotions. External use of leaves of a groundsel accelerates maturing of abscesses of different degree and promotes a rassasyvaniye of infiltrates.

Harm of a groundsel ordinary

This plant cannot bring special harm to an organism, but it is necessary apply it with care.

The groundsel is contraindicated to pregnant women and small children, and also people with such diseases as a circulatory unefficiency, glaucoma, hypotonia, frustration of an urination, low acidity of a stomach. Sometimes the groundsel causes undesirable effects on condition of individual intolerance of a grass.

Prolonged use of a groundsel is not recommended.

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