Main> Bleeding


Bleedings - the most dangerous posttraumatic complications, life-threatening the injured person. Degree of possible risk depends on specific characteristics and the location of the damaged vessels.

Types of bleedings

Виды кровотеченийThere is the following classification of types of bleedings:

  • Capillary bleeding. This type of bleeding meets when traumatizing the smallest vessels located in mucous membranes, muscular tissue, integuments. Symptoms of bleeding from capillaries is: dark red color of blood, istekany blood a small stream (at superficial cuts) or uniform release of blood on all surface of a wound (at grazes). Capillary bleeding extremely seldom threatens life and health of the injured person (if there is no disease of hemophilia and problems with coagulability of blood) and, as a rule, stops independently.
  • Venous bleeding. To the main symptoms of bleeding from veins the slow, but continuous istekaniye of blood from a wound is. Blood has dark red color. At venous bleeding of significant force for prevention of loss of a large amount of blood it is necessary to press urgently damaged vessel by means of any make-shift (it is possible even by means of a finger).
  • Parenchymatous bleeding. Treats internal bleedings. It is characteristic at wounds and slight injuries, a liver, a spleen and other internals. At this look perhaps istekany blood of various color (depending on what internal body is damaged) – dark red and bright red color. At a blood exit outside, she acts evenly on all wound surface. The greatest danger is constituted by option when parenchymatous bleeding proceeds is hidden. The patient risks to lose a lot of blood, without having waited for first-aid treatment since diagnosis of internal bleeding is extremely complicated.
  • Arterial bleeding. A characteristic symptom of bleeding from arteries is the pulsing jet expiration of blood from a wound, color of blood has a bright red shade. This look poses special hazard to life of the victim since promptly leads to approach of full desalination of an organism. Development of acute anemia at arterial bleeding is followed by the following, the most explicit, signs: falling of pulse and arterial pressure, the progressing pallor of integuments and mucous membranes, nausea, vomiting, blackout, dizziness, a loss of consciousness.
  • The mixed (combined) bleeding – arises at extensive injuries and combines the different types of bleedings described in the previous points.

Treatment of bleedings

Actions for first-aid treatment at bleeding have to be begun as it is possible in shorter terms after traumatizing. They consist first of all in a stop of bleeding and the prevention of considerable losses of blood. If it is about arterial bleeding, necessary measures for a stop of bleeding need to be taken immediately since at this type of bleedings for a short span the considerable volume of blood follows from wound damage. The Bystry and sharp loss of blood (more than two liters) can lead the victim to a lethal outcome, especially if bleeding is combined with the combined traumatic damages.

For obvious reasons, first aid at bleeding is, as a rule, made out of walls of medical institution. Therefore this procedure is temporary, and consists in a bleeding stop for the fastest transportation of the injured person in conditions of a medical hospital.

Ways of a temporary stop of bleeding:

  • Первая помощь при кровотеченииCompressing bandage. Use for pressing of the direct place of bleeding. Apply a sterile gauze bandage a wound surface (at absence – a piece of any pure natural fabric) and densely bandage (in the absence of material for bandaging, just press a bandage to a wound a hand). Apply at the capillary, venous and mixed bleedings of moderate intensity.
  • At insignificant bleedings at wound damages by a foot, shins, fingers, etc. use a way of giving to the injured extremity of the raised situation. It is good to combine this way with imposing of a compressing bandage.
  • In case of arterial bleeding and need of an immediate stop of bleeding (when there is no time for searches of suitable means) use a way of pressing of the bleeding artery a finger. Arteries press in certain anatomic points where they can be pressed densely to bones and by that temporarily to stop bleeding.

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