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L Karnitin

L Карнитин The L Karnitin – the amino acid which is applied as dietary supplement.

Pharmacological action

The L-carnitine is called still B11 vitamin, it possesses the anti-thyroid, anabolic, regenerating, anti-hypoxemic action, improves appetite, starts a lipometabolism.

Use a L-carnitine maintains activity of a coenzyme And, normalizes metabolic processes, increases fermentivny activity of an intestinal, gastric juice, activates secretory activity of digestive glands. Drug accelerates regeneration of nervous tissues, has neurotrophic effect.

It is considered that the L-carnitine for weight loss is effective: at sports activities means reduces the level of lactoacidosis, fatty elements in skeleton muscles, normalizes body weight. To start process of burning of reserves of fat, except enough a L-carnitine exercise stresses and a competent diet are important for weight loss.

Release form

Produce drug in tablets, capsules, syrup.

Indications to use of a L-carnitine

According to the instruction the L-carnitine is appointed to patients with cardiac diseases, to elderly patients - for improvement of memory, attention, delay of aging of a brain.

Good reviews of a L-carnitine which is given to premature children, children during active growth for ensuring normal development of muscles of a skeleton, for reduction of body weight in norm.

The L-carnitine as supportive application in treatment of gland of pancreatic, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, hepatic diseases is effective.

Also a L-carnitine athletes for increase in efficiency of the carried-out exercises accept, increases in endurance, fast increase in muscle bulk; vegetarians – for completion of a lack of a carnitine; people with a hyporexia, exhaustion.


According to the instruction the L-carnitine is not appointed at intolerance of means, during pregnancy, a lactation.

Application instruction of a L-carnitine

Syrup is accepted inside, reception the L-carnitine does not depend on meal time.

L Карнитин капсулы

Adults drink syrup three р / days on 5 ml. Athletes drink 15 ml a L-carnitine before a training. Therapy lasts usually 4-6 weeks.

For children up to one year syrup is given in a single dose 8-20kap.; to children 1-6l. – 20-28kap., to children 6-12l. – 2,5ml. Children accept a single dose two-three р / days for a month.

Tablets and the L-carnitine capsules swallow entirely, wash down with water. Adults accept 250-500mg drug two-three р / days. Athletes accept 500-1500mg before a training.

For treatment recommend to take a pill, capsules courses, not longer than half a year.

Side effects

The L-carnitine does not bear special harm, he is had well.

At patients with uraemia because of use of a carnitine muscular weakness can develop. Also there are reviews of a L-carnitine, that in isolated cases at accepting drug pains in epigastriums, allergic reactions, dyspepsia were noted.

The L-carnitine can do harm to the person only at intolerance and overdose. Emergence of problems with a dream in the patients who are not observing medical instructions was noticed.

Whether you know that:

According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.