Main > Drugs> Lactogen


Lactogen represents the medicine relating to group of probiotics and intended for recovery of normal microflora of a vagina. In 2008 its trade name was replaced, and now this medicine is called Vagilak.Капсулы для приема внутрь Лактогин

Form of release and Laktogin's list

Lactogen is produced in the form of capsules and candles. Each capsule contains 109 lactobacilli of Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1. In packaging of 15 capsules.

Candles Laktogin also contain live strains of lactobacilli of Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1, and also starch, cellulose, a dextrose and other excipients.

Pharmacological action of Laktogin

In the instruction to Laktogin it is noted that this medicine contains a unique combination of the lactobacilli allocated from an urogenital path of absolutely healthy women. These bacteria occupy a vagina and begin to produce the lactic acid, peroxide of hydrogen and other biologically active agents protecting from various disease-producing bacteria. As a result of it oral reception of capsules or local use of candles Laktogin promote creation in a vagina of acid medium (рН 3,8 – 4,5), normal vaginal microflora, necessary for life activity, and pernicious for pathogenic microorganisms.

According to reviews, Laktogin very quickly eliminates an itch and burning in a crotch, feeling of discomfort and other unpleasant signs of a bacterial vaginitis. In addition, Laktogin's use almost reduces probability of emergence by 80% in the subsequent a disease recurrence.


According to the instruction, Laktogin can be used by women 18 years in the following cases are more senior:

  • For treatment of disbioz of a vagina, both as a part of complex therapy, and in the form of monotreatment;
  • For treatment of chronic and subacute infectious and inflammatory diseases of a female genital;
  • In time and after the end of treatment by cytostatics, antibiotics, antiviral, antifungal drugs and corticosteroids;
  • For carrying out prenatal preparation at pregnant women;
  • For treatment of hormonal dependent and senile colpitises;
  • During training of the woman for gynecologic operations and diagnostic procedures, including and before installation of an intrauterine spiral. Лактогин - препарат, нормализующий микрофлору влагалища


According to the instruction, Laktogin the women having the increased individual sensitivity to any of components of this medicine cannot apply.

Side effects

In rare instances when using candles Laktogin the local allergic reactions which are shown burning sensation, an itch and discomfort in genital area can be noted. In this case the instruction to Laktogin recommends to women to pass to oral administration of this drug in the form of capsules.

Route of administration of Laktogin and dose

For normalization of vaginal microflora accept on one capsule of Laktogin a day. At treatment of inflammatory diseases of a vagina the dose increases and makes two capsules a day. Laktogin it is necessary to accept on an empty stomach or in two hours after food, washing down with enough water.

Laktogin's candles insert for the night after carrying out syringing of a vagina.

Laktogin's use, according to reviews, leads to bystry recovery of microflora of a vagina.

Storage conditions and issues from drugstores

Lactogen should be stored in the cool, dry and dark place unavailable to children. The period of validity makes one and a half years. From drugstores of the capsule and a candle Laktogin are released without recipe of the doctor.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.