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from 234 rub.

Lactorutting – means for increase in a lactation.Таблетки Лактогон

Pharmacological action of Laktogon

Lactorutting is a dietary supplement which thanks to the structure positively influences production of milk at the feeding woman.

Carrot juice, nettle, marjoram, fennel, uterine milk, potassium iodide, vitamin C are a part of tablets Laktogon.

Carrot juice except that is a source of the beta carotene useful to eyes, nails, teeth, a hair, a GIT, cardiovascular system, represents the known folk remedy for increase in production of milk.

Nettle – effective fortifying remedy which as well as juice of carrots stimulates a lactation.

The marjoram has sedative, soothing and laktogonny effect.

Fennel has the disinfecting property, expands vessels, improves a lactation.

The bee uterine milk also helps at disturbances of a lactation, it is useful at nervous and physical exhaustion.

Potassium iodide has antiinflammatory effect, well influences work of a thyroid gland.

Vitamin C is included in structure of tablets Laktogon for maintenance of immunity of the nursing mother.

Except that such powerful structure of medicine allows to adjust a lactation, there are reviews of Laktogona demonstrating that thanks to use by mother of tablets, at the child the chair was recovered, abdominal pains disappeared, appetite improved.

At tea Laktogon several other structure, but herbs which enter it also possess the expressed laktogonny action - it is a marjoram, a melissa, fennel and a nettle.

At the same time the melissa is known for the soft sedative action, and fennel in addition improves digestion of the child, eliminates gripes, helps to bring gases out of intestines.

Release form

Tea and tablets.

Indications to use

Means Laktogon according to the instruction recommend to accept to the feeding women at whom the lack of breast milk is observed.

Tablets Laktogon are appointed also as an additional source of iodine, vitamin C.

Route of administration

Чай ЛактогонTea Laktogon is produced in bags. Before the use one package is filled in with a glass of boiled water and insisted 5 or 10 minutes. For improvement of a lactation Laktogon in day is recommended to drink within 10 days on two glasses of tea

Pill is recommended to take on 3-4 pieces a day during food.

There are reviews of Laktogona indicating that the first ten-day course can be inefficient therefore if milk at the woman does not become any more, it is possible to spend on drink tea or tablets once again, but before to consult with the gynecologist and the pediatrician.

Side effects

At intolerance of the making tablets and tea the allergy at mother or the child can begin.


Because Laktogon is a part of means a grass a marjoram, pregnant women cannot accept them.

Besides, tablets and tea in the presence at mother or the child of an allergy to their components are contraindicated.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Lactorutting of a tablet of 20 pieces

234 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC

Lactorutting тбл No. 20, Leovit нутрио (г.Москва)

285 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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