Main > Diseases> Leukosis



In a popular speech the leukosis is called an anemia, a leukemia or a blood cancer. Actually this statement not quite is true since the terrible diagnosis a blood cancer specialists call a hemoblastosis - multifactorial group of malignant diseases of the hemopoietic system of an organism to which number the leukosis belongs. Patients with a leukosis of people owing to various reasons have a pathological and rapid growth of the "wrong" cells of marrow which is responsible for the vital process of a hemopoiesis in an organism.

Quickly progressing disturbance of normal functioning of all bodies and systems becomes result. Without timely begun, complex treatment the leukosis, as a rule, leads to a lethal outcome, sometimes - within several weeks. Self-healing cases at this malignant disease are extremely rare therefore treatment of a leukosis has to begin immediately after establishment of the exact diagnosis.

Leukosis reasons

The modern medicine till today thoroughly did not find out all numerous factors provoking a leukosis. The reasons of a leukosis are divided into four main groups.

The first group includes the reasons of a leukosis of hereditary character. By scientists it is absolutely precisely established today that existence of a leukosis at any of direct (blood) relatives, will surely have an effect, even through several generations. Specialists call hereditary factor the most probable and common cause of developing of a leukosis at children.

The second, not less large, group of the reasons causing a leukosis – the infectious and viral diseases postponed ever. Virus invasion into healthy cells of an organism causes their irreversible mutations and pathological regeneration that finally creates threat of emergence of malignant new growths.

Refer influence of leykozogenny and chemical factors to the following group of the reasons of a leukosis. As for leykozogen, it, in simple terms, an effect of reception of medicines which are appointed at various diseases. To their number, in the first, turn tsefalosporinovy drugs, and also antibiotics of a penicillinic row belong. Refer long stay in contact with synthetic detergents to influence of chemical pathogens, various floor coverings on the basis of polymeric connections, etc.

The fourth group of the reasons of a leukosis – radiation exposure. Influence of radionuclides several times increases risk of a disease of a leukosis, and the probability of developing of a disease is possible at any doses of the received radiation.

Types of a leukosis

There is rather long species list of leukoses, cogitable only specialists oncologists. The division of a leukosis on types occurs from the place in which blood cells underwent a mutation, turned into "aggressors" hostile to a human body and provoked growth of a malignant new growth.

As an example, one of a set of types of a leukosis, it is possible to give a myeloleukemia at which normal process of formation of granulotsitarny leukocytes is broken.

There is also a division of leukoses on chronic and acute. At an acute disease a leukosis uncontrollable and very rapid growth of unripe blood cells develops. Acute leukoses are extremely dangerous and with high probability come to an end with a lethal outcome since the course of a disease occurs very quickly.

At a chronic leukosis growth of cells of more mature progresses, and the centers of this rapid growth are located in vitals – a liver, a spleen, lymph nodes.

Leukosis symptoms

Диагностика и симптомы лейкоза

The attentive relation to early symptoms of a leukosis is extremely important exactly today. Steadily the number of diseases of a leukosis at children even of the earliest age grows and at out of time begun treatment the lethal outcome in this age group is inevitable.

At an initial stage leukosis symptoms at children and adults can easily be confused with other diseases.

Often high temperature rises, it is possible to observe perspiration, an asthma, a cardiopalmus. At an acute leukosis symptoms are more brightly expressed, perhaps, also significant increase in sizes of lymph nodes and their morbidity.

Treatment of a leukosis

For the correct assessment of a condition of the patient and purpose of necessary treatment of a leukosis careful medical examination by oncologists is conducted. The bases for final establishment of the diagnosis are data of biochemical and general blood tests. Procedures for a research of cells of marrow – a trepanobiopsiya, a sternal puncture are appointed.

Tactics of conducting treatment and the choice of medicines is carried out according to the revealed leukosis form under constant control and observation of specialists. Full healing from a disease is almost impossible today and treatment of a leukosis has to become business of all remained human life.

In case of an acute leukosis treatment includes a complex from considerable doses of glucocorticoid hormones and antineoplastic drugs. At emergence of the joined consecutive infection to the patient with a leukosis appoint the corresponding antiinflammatory therapy and transfusion of components of blood.

For support of patients with a chronic leukosis treatment is appointed generally such drugs which effect consists in suppression of growth of malignant new growths. Collateral measures of support of an organism – administration of radioactive phosphorus and radiation therapy.

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