Main > Drugs> The lily is kudrevaty

The lily is kudrevaty

Лилия кудреватая - луковичное растениеThe lily kudrevaty – a perennial bulbous plant from family of the Lily family, in height reaches 1 meter, blossoms in the summer (in June - July), flowers of white or pink color. Every year leaves, stalks die off, and the bulb remains live. The plant is eurysynusic in Asia and Europe. The chemical making lilies kudrevaty are a little studied, bulbs contain some alkaloids, vitamins, boron, iron, sugar. At stalks, leaves and flowers there are flavonida and saponins, tannins, ascorbic acid.

Medicinal properties

For production of medicinal raw materials use all parts of a plant – bulbs, stalks, leaves and flowers. Drugs on the basis of a lily kudrevaty possess soothing and analgetic (anesthetic) action, also apply them at internal bleedings. Juice of this plant is applied as wound healing means.

Use in traditional medicine

The lily kudrevaty is long since used in national medicine of many countries of the world (Mongolia, Yakutia, Tibet, China).

Juice of this plant is applied to healing of wounds and trophic ulcers. Inside juice is used for treatment of erosion and stomach ulcers. Leaves of a lily kudrevaty put on area of burns to remove an inflammation and hypostasis.

At nervous breakdowns, depressions, an adynamy, a dentagra and lack of appetite reception of infusion from bulbs of a lily kudrevaty is recommended. That to prepare it, the bulb of this plant (mass about 15 g) is necessary, it is filled in with boiled water and insisted within 15 minutes. After that infusion is filtered and accepted 3 times a day on 1 tablespoon.

Infusion from flowers of a lily kudrevaty is used at diseases of a gall bladder (chronic cholecystitis, dyskinesia).

Tincture from flowers and leaves of this plant is used and as demulcent at diseases of a nervous system and as soothing at pains of various origin (a dentagra, menstrual pain). Tincture of a lily kudrevaty is made as follows: flowers (leaves) are filled in with vodka, are located in ware from dark glass and are left in the cool place for 42 days. After that tincture is filtered and diluted with boiled water in the ratio 1:3. Spirit tincture is applied also at diseases warmly - vascular system, overfatigue of eyes, vision disorders, jaundice.Настой из цветов лилии кудреватой - хорошее успокоительное средство

Use in cosmetology

The lily kudrevaty is used and as cosmetic. Broth of a bulb of this plant (at the rate of 1 bulb on 250 ml of milk) is used at inflammatory diseases of face skin (a furunculosis, a streptoderma). Also from broth of bulbs it is possible to prepare a face pack, having mixed it with honey and mustard flour (all parts in equal proportions). Such mask well helps to cope with xanthopathies and freckles.

Juice of a lily kudrevaty and infusion from its leaves can be used in lotions, creams and masks of house production.

For the dry and withering skin from a lily the special mask on the basis of an oil extract is made of flowers. For this purpose flowers of this plant keep within ware from impenetrable glass, are filled in olive (or peach) with oil, and within 2 weeks infuse. Then the oil extract is filtered and mixes up with lemon juice, honey and an egg yolk. The mask is put on a face for 20-30 minutes, and then washed away by warm water. Use of this recipe allows to give to face skin elasticity, elasticity and the shining color.


The lily kudrevaty has specific heavy aroma which is badly transferred by some people and causes dizziness.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.