Main > Food stuffs> Marjoram


The marjoram is the herbaceous plant from the sort Marjoram possessing a pleasant spicy smell. In a wild look the grass grows in Asia Minor, North Africa and as spice is grown up in Western Europe, India.


Useful properties of a marjoram

In an elevated part of a plant carotene, ascorbic acid, Rutinum, pectinaceous and tannins are found.

Such curative properties of a marjoram – antibacterial, sedative, expectorant, anesthetizing are known to traditional and official medicine.

Use in the medical purposes both a grass, and essential oil of a marjoram.

It is noticed that oil removes vasospasms, eliminates head and tooth hurt, helps at diseases of the digestive system and breath, at застоях to bile, the puffiness caused by neuralgia or osteochondrosis at gout, a varicosity, diseases of kidneys, a liver, an allergy, cold, a meteorism.

Doctors recommend to use plant oil to people who suffer from a diabetes mellitus, or had a heart attack.

Such property of a marjoram as ability of its oil to render sedation, a neurasthenia, sleeplessnesses uses for treatment of emotional and mental disorders.

Use of a marjoram, oil of its grass in an aromatherapy promotes removal of fatigue, a vitality raising.

Use of a marjoram

In traditional medicine use the grass collected during blossoming.

The tea prepared from a grass helps at small appetite, migraine, intestinal spasms, a meteorism, including at small children, at diarrhea, menstrual pains.

For preparation of tea fill in one or two teaspoons of a grass of 250 ml of boiled water, 5 minutes insist then they filter and drink. Admissible norm of marjoram tea in day – one or two cups. It is recommended to drink drink small drinks.

Also useful properties of ointment from a marjoram grass are known to traditional medicine.

If the child is disturbed by intestinal gripes, he can pound ointment area around a navel. In 10-20 minutes the child will feel better.

For treatment of cold it is also possible to use marjoram ointment: grease with it the nasal courses inside and outside, slightly rub means in skin.

Ointment can be bought ready in a drugstore, or to prepare independently: to take one teaspoon of the pounded marjoram grass, to fill in it with wine alcohol (teaspoon), to insist several hours, to add a teaspoon of unsalted fresh butter. The received mix heats up on the water bath within 10 minutes, then is filtered and cooled.

Except that ointment from a grass of a marjoram can be used at cold and a meteorism, it is noticed that it helps at the pains caused by stretching, dislocation of extremities, abscesses and wounds, rheumatic diseases, a varicosity.

Oil of a marjoram is used for grindings, massage, compresses, inhalations.

For performance of massage and grindings add oil to basic means at the rate of 6 and 10 drops respectively on 10 grams of a basis.

For performing hot inhalations at cold 2-3 drops of oil in capacity with hot water drip. Inhalation of 4-5 minutes lasts.

Bathtubs with oil of a marjoram recover forces. For acceptance of tonic bathtubs add 4-6 drops of oil to water.

Cosmetologists for a softening of callosities and the coarsened skin standing advise to do oil applications. Mix 3 drops of oil of almonds with 5 drops of marjoram oil, apply mix on the coarsened sites of skin, through time accurately remove the softened callosities.

Curative properties of a marjoram are shown also at the internal use of essential oil of a grass: mix 2 drops of sunflower or olive oil with 1-2 drops of oil of a marjoram, drip the received mix on bread and eat. Accept oil thus 1-2 times a day. Treatment promotes elimination of stagnation of bile, intestinal gripes, vascular spasms.

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Marjoram oil and tea from a grass are contraindicated at pregnancy, an allergy to a plant.

People with the lowered pressure should use with care oil and tea of a marjoram for treatment.

It is also established that prolonged use of a marjoram in high doses depresses a nervous system, causes headaches.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.