Main > Food stuffs> Honey


Honey – a valuable product of beekeeping. In essence it is the nectar processed in a craw of honey bees. There are many classifications of honey. So, by the form plants from which nectar is received emit honey lime, buckwheat, acacia, donnikovy, etc. Less exact names as grounds from which honey is received are eurysynusic too – on them emit honey meadow, mountain, forest, field, etc. They differ with color and aroma.

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The consistence of honey happens liquid and crystallized. Liquid honey fresh, right after pumping from cells. It can have different degree of viscosity that depends on an amount of water in it and ambient temperatures. Crystallized honey is formed in the natural way from liquid, the speed of formation of crystals of sugar depends on a type of a melliferous herb.

To 80% of honey make carbohydrates – fructose, glucose (monosaccharides) and sucrose. Content of glucose of 31 - 37%, it most quicker crystallizes. Most of all in fructose honey – fruit sugar, its share makes 38 – 43%. Sucrose – disaccharide, in honey its percentage is small – only 2% as the most part of this carbohydrate is split under the influence of invertase enzyme on monosaccharides. For preservation of such structure and properties of honey 1 years do not recommend to store it longer.

Advantage of honey

Useful properties of honey are defined by the vitamins A which are its part, C, E, PP, N, groups B, a number of microelements (copper, cobalt, manganese, iron, potassium, etc.), organic and inorganic acids, aromatic substances, phytoncides.

Such complex structure exerts complex impact on an organism, its useful properties were long since used in recipes of traditional medicine. Honey exerts positive impact on work of many internals, stimulates a host defense of an organism, possesses bactericidal action. It is known of property of honey to warn a senilism and to recover forces.

The advantage of honey consists in its tonic, fortifying influence on an organism. It can be used for treatment of diseases of kidneys, cardiovascular system, a liver and biliary tract, a digestive tract, at burns and wounds.

At catarrhal diseases very many recipes of traditional medicine are based on use the antiseptic, antibacterial, immunostimulating and sudorific properties of honey.

The rejuvenating properties of honey use in cosmetology, include it in structure of masks, creams on care of skin, with honey do massage. Honey effectively eliminates the increased dryness and a peeling of skin, detains in it liquid, smoothes wrinkles.

High caloric content of honey allows to be recovered quickly after a serious illness or intense sports competitions. Honey helps to fall asleep at sleeplessness.

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Harm of honey

The use of honey causes caries of teeth at all at least of sugar, it is promoted by a sticky consistence of a product and its saturation carbohydrates. So after the honey use stomatologists recommend to rinse carefully a mouth, and it is better to clean teeth.

High content of "light" carbohydrates excessively loads work of a pancreas, and can become one of provocative factors in development of a diabetes mellitus.

Harm of honey for people with allergic predisposition has justification, this weight, difficult on structure, with biologically active agents always contains impurity of enzymes from pharyngeal glands of bees and grain of pollen. Honey causes states, various on weight, in allergic persons – from allergic rash on skin to an acute anaphylaxis.

Honey caloric content depending on a grade makes from 304 to 415 kcal on 100 g of a product, these figures characterize a product as high-calorific. Because of the high caloric content of honey do not recommend to abuse it to persons with tendency to corpulence as in this case surplus of calories will turn into fatty deposits. In days the adult has enough 60-100 g of the honey divided into 4-5 receptions, for children the admissible quantity of a product is twice less.

Specialists recommend not to add honey to hot tea, and is it from a spoon to a vprikusk. Hot water destroys many useful substances of this product. Besides, there are data testimonial of harm of honey in hot tea. According to some information in this case carcinogenic substances are formed of honey.

Whether you know that:

Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.