Main > Diseases> Migraine


Причины мигрени

Migraine – not the fatal, but serious neurologic illness which is found generally at young and mature age.

Severe pristupoobrazny headaches are characteristic of migraine, is more often than one half of the head, focused in frontal and temporal and orbital area.

Migraine one of the most ancient of the known diseases described already in Sumer and Ancient Egyptian manuscripts however still much in it remains to unknown.

Migraine reasons

One of riddles are the migraine reasons. On the basis of long-term observations it was succeeded to determine some consistent patterns of developing of migraine.

Migraine also men and women have, but it occurs at women twice more often than at men. There is a dependence of frequency of developing of a disease on a way of life is, so, established that people socially active and ambitious, the professions demanding high intellectual activity, and also the housewife are most subject to migraines. Cases of migraine among people of working professions whose activity is connected with constant physical activity are extremely rare.

The people having it carry many factors to the migraine reasons, but them on development of an attack it was not succeeded to establish actually direct influence therefore it is possible to consider such factors only contributing, or the "starting moment" working at emergence of an actual reason of a disease. Treat the reasons of migraine:

  • Some types of products: the firm matured cheeses, red wine, chocolate, fish of family makrelevy, smoked products, coffee;
  • Stress or the endured psychoemotional excitement.;
  • Some types of medicines, for example oral contraceptives;
  • Sharp change of weather (meteodependent form of migraine);
  • Strong exercise stresses;
  • Premenstrual syndrome.

Usually experienced patients know what provokes at them a migraine attack, and try to exclude influence of this factor, thus, they manage to reduce the frequency of attacks, but not to get rid of them completely.

Migraine symptoms

At some forms of migraine the attack begins with emergence of characteristic special harbingers, so-called aura. As harbingers different people have different feelings: visual (front sights before eyes, fog, emergence of bright flashes on the periphery of sight, etc.), tactile (feeling of a pricking in various parts of a body, numbness of extremities, "goosebumps"), acoustical (noise, a ring in ears). Aura is not always, and only at 20% of patients, and is one of diagnostic characters of a disease.

Characteristic the symptom of migraine is a severe, throbbing pain in one half of the head. In the ancient time on this sign migraine called a hemicrany – "polovinnocherepny". You remember Bulgakov Pontius Pilate from "The master and Margarita"? Bulgakov was a doctor by training, and very precisely described feelings of the person enduring a migraine attack. Attacks can sometimes arise in all upper part of the head, but it is rather an exception, than the rule. Migraine attacks seldom happen always only in one half of the head, usually from an attack to an attack the right and left parts alternate though there can be also "favourite" parties.

One more, symptom, this strengthening of pain from bright light, strong noise, physical and intellectual activity, inherent for migraine. Influence of noise and light irritants is so big that also the photophobia can develop zvuko-. Patients during an attack aim to retire to the quiet dark room and to occupy the weakening pose, it gives them relief.

The pulsing headache at migraine often are followed by nausea and even vomiting. In a stage of the developed attack there can occur weakening of a vermicular movement of intestines and стаз a stomach when contents are late in a stomach, without progressing further. It is one of the reasons that drug intake can be inefficient – they just do not come to a small intestine where usually there is an absorption.

Duration of attacks at migraine, and an attack can last from three hours to three days.

Especially if they often repeat, makes the main problem of migraine as on it time of people is wasted by working capacity and completely drops out of usual life.

Diagnosis of migraine

The diagnosis of migraine is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture, after passing of careful neurologic inspection. Inspection at the neurologist is necessary also to exclude other diseases for which attacks of a severe headache are inherent.

Treatment of migraine

Средство для лечения мигрениTreatment of migraine generally symptomatic, that is directed or on stopping of an attack at its beginning, or on its interruption when the attack already developed. At the beginning of an attack paracetamol or aspirin, and also other medicamentous means selected by the doctor individually can help. In certain cases for treatment of migraine with success homeopathic medicines, and also non-drug means are used, for example, excellent results are yielded by use of acupuncture (acupuncture).

To help with a stage of the developed attack to the patient happens very difficult. Many patients resort to national treatment of migraine. Various methods for interruption of an attack are used: douche of the head hot or cold water, a mustard plaster on a collar zone, a heat bath. Despite simplicity of similar national treatments of migraine, some of them can be very effective, and experienced patients, as a rule, find a trial-and-error method what helps them. National treatment of migraine assumes also use of various herbal teas, for example, from a clover meadow, a melissa, a St. John's Wort, a marjoram and other herbs. Sometimes the simple cup of coffee or tea helps, caffeine in general belongs to protivomigrenevy means, but at the same time at other patients of coffee is capable to provoke an attack. In general, national treatment of migraine is directed to simplification of a condition of the patient.

The problem of treatment of migraine consists that in each case there is an individual sensitivity to certain means, and what well helps one patient, can not influence another at all, besides, to serve to strengthening of a headache.

In hard cases the attack of migraine can pass into the migrenozny status when attacks follow one by one almost continuously, and even into a migrenozny stroke therefore only one national treatment of migraine is not enough, obligatory medical observation is required.

It is also necessary to tell that treatment of migraine is ineffective if not to arrange the way of life which led to a disease. The healthy, regular nutrition with an exception of heavy food, observance of a day regimen and work, a full-fledged dream and frequent stay in the fresh air is extremely necessary. As a rule, change of a way of life in this party in combination with individually picked up medicamentous therapy are capable to save the person from painful attacks of migraine.

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