Main > Drugs> Normoflorin


Normoflorin – the means recovering intestinal microflora.

Pharmacological action of Normoflorin

Нормофлорин-ЛNormoflorin is considered dietary supplement, is applied in the preventive and therapeutic purposes. 1 ml of means contains 1 billion lactobacilli, 100 million bifidobacteria and such waste products of bacteria as vitamins, amino acids, prebiotic laktit, organic acids, antimicrobic substances.

Thanks to such structure Normoflorin prevents hit in an organism of endotoxins, suppresses activity of pathogenic microorganisms, recovers a protective film on mucous internals, stimulates motility of intestines and development of interferon, reduces amount of cholesterol in blood, helps to split lactose.

There are comments on Normoflorin indicating that after use of additive to food immunity improves, the risk of development of allergic dermatitis decreases.

Drug differs in low acidity therefore it is possible to appoint it at kislotozavisimy forms of erosion and ulcers of a GIT.

Release form

Normoflorin release in the form of solution for intake.

Full Analogue of Normoflorin – Euflorin, and drugs, similar in action, are Lineks and Bifidumbakterin.

Indications to use

Normoflorin include in complex therapy of a duodenitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, a peptic ulcer, colitis, gastritis, hepatitis, a proctosigmoiditis, acute intestinal infections: salmonellosis, rotavirusny and enteroviral infections, shigellosis, staphylococcal coloenteritis.

In Normoflorin's instruction it is specified that drug can be used at dysbacteriosis, allergic diseases, an immunodeficiency, during reception of antibiotics.

There are positive reviews about Normoflorin who was successfully applied to recovery of intestinal microflora by pregnant women and the feeding women.

Route of administration

Drug is taken for half an hour to food by 2 times a day.

In the preventive purposes to children of 3-7 l. give 7 ml of means; to children of 8-14 l. – 10 ml; to children after 14 l. – 15 ml.

Adults Normoflorin for prevention can accept 20 ml in a dosage.

In more serious cases, at inclusion of dietary supplement in complex therapy of various gastrointestinal diseases, a dosage increase: to children of 3-7 l. give 7-10 ml; to children of 8-14 l. – 10-15 ml; to children after 14 l. – 15-20 ml; the adult recommend to accept 20-30 ml.

Prevention by means of means lasts two weeks, and treatment – month.Нормофлорин-Д

Before the use the bottle with mix of bacteria is recommended to be shaken up. At high acidity of a gastric juice Normoflorin part with still mineral alkalescent water.

Often appoint drug during an antibioticotherapia, from the first day of its carrying out, in 2-4 hours after reception of an antibiotic.

Normoflorin's analogs accept only according to the recommendation of the doctor.

Side effects of Normoflorin

There are no data on side effects of drug.


According to the instruction Normoflorin do not appoint at individual intolerance.

Whether you know that:

In Great Britain there is a law according to which the surgeon can refuse to do to the patient operation if he smokes or has excess weight. The person has to refuse addictions, and then, perhaps, he will not need an operative measure.