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Nitrogen oxide

Nitrogen oxide – chemical compound of group of oxides of nitrogen in which nitrogen is present at the II oxidation level. It has Соединение оксид азотаone unpaired radical electron, therefore, is unstable, has high reactionary ability and has properties of the free radical.

Nitrogen oxide or oxide of nitrogen, and also known as monoxide of nitrogen represents a molecule with a chemical formula NO. These are free radicals which is an important intermediate product of chemical changes.

In organisms of mammals and the person nitrogen oxide is an important component of the cellular alarm molecules participating in many physiological and pathological processes. It is a powerful vazodilatator with short, in several seconds, half-life in blood.

It was in the late eighties proved that special fermental systems of organisms are capable to synthesize nitrogen oxide gas. It results from oxidation of guanidinovy group of amino acid of L-arginine with simultaneous synthesis of citrulline.

Receiving nitrogen oxide

In vitro receiving nitrogen oxide is possible by carrying out reaction of the diluted nitric acid with copper or recovery of nitrous acid in the form of sodium nitrite or potassium nitrite.

The main natural source of nitrogen oxide are electric discharges of lightnings during a thunder-storm. Nitrogen oxide is the by-product arising at combustion of substances in automobile engines and fuels at power plants.

Also receiving nitrogen oxide is possible from free elements, for this purpose it is necessary to carry out compound of nitrogen with oxygen at a temperature of 1200-1300 °C.

Nitrogen oxide use

Nitrogen oxide is used in medicine for expansion of blood vessels at coronary heart disease by reduction of load of heart.

Nitrogen oxide is used at acute management for assistance to capillary lung expansion for treatment of primary pulmonary hypertensia at newborns connected with inborn defects. Therapy by nitrogen oxide considerably increases quality of life and, in certain cases, saves life of children with risk of development of a disease of vessels of lungs.

Nitrogen oxide is also entered in the form of saving therapy at patients with acute right ventricular insufficiency which is secondary in relation to a pulmonary embolism.

In the food industry nitrogen oxide is known under the name E942 nutritional supplement and is used as propellant and packaging gas.

Properties of nitrogen oxide

Nitrogen oxide is a colourless gas with a temperature of melting of-163,6 °C and with the temperature of boiling of-151,7 °C. A molecular formula of nitrogen oxide – NO, molar weight – 30.01 grams/mol, density – 1,3402 g of dm, solubility in water – 74 cm3/dm3, index of refraction – 1.0002697.

Advantage of nitrogen oxide

Nitrogen oxideОксид азота — побочный продукт процесса сгорания веществ в автомобильных двигателях is widely applied in traditional medicine at various diseases and exerts positive impact on:

  • The blood circulatory system – regulatory properties of nitrogen oxide exert impact on blood circulation on all body, increase diameter of blood vessels and prevent formation of blood clots. It helps endothelial cells to control blood vessels. Nitrogen oxide also increases oxygen level in a body, lowers the level of arterial pressure and helps with the optimum mode to function to heart;
  • Immune system – immune cells in a human body synthesize nitrogen oxide to destroy the bacteria and viruses capable to cause infections. Also property of nitrogen oxide to prevent emergence of benign and malignant tumors in organism cells is known;
  • Endurance level - nitrogen oxide increases the level of endurance of muscle cells that allows to maintain heavier loadings and with ease to be active more;
  • Increase in reaction of nervous cells – nitrogen oxide works as the intracellular intermediary between various cells in an organism, including, nervous cells. At the sufficient content of nitrogen oxide in an organism communication between nervous cells becomes quicker that results in speed of reaction to external irritants, increase in focus and vigilance;
  • Increase in sexual energy – use of nitrogen oxide stimulates, invigorates and strengthens sexual mechanisms of reaction in an organism. The touch and mental stimulations caused by nervous cells under the influence of nitrogen oxide lead to relaxation of muscles and inflow of blood to a penis thanks to what there is an erection. In the same way process proceeds also in a female body, under the influence of nitrogen oxide inflow of blood increases in vagina tissues;
  • Pain relief – nitrogen oxide provides long-term simplification from the pain connected with arthritis and an inflammation of joints. It is capable to activate antiinflammatory mechanisms in organism cells, and promotes reduction of an inflammation;
  • Increase in muscle bulk – the additives containing nitrogen oxide broaden circulatory channels, improve blood circulation and increase muscle bulk. At increase in a flow of blood the amount of nutrients in muscles increases that leads to increase in their size;
  • Intracellular bonds – nitrogen oxide improves process of communication between various cells in an organism, including, between nervous cells and cells of a brain. Use of the additives containing nitrogen oxide leads to memory improvement, increase in level of concentration and ability to training.

In addition to everything nitrogen oxide is a rich source of necessary nutrients, such as b-sitosterol, ursolovy acid, glycosides, vegetable sterols, and also zinc, calcium, potassium, iron and vitamins A and With for an organism.

Harm of nitrogen oxide

Use of nitrogen oxide for most of people does not cause side effects, however, in overdose cases it leads to diarrhea, weakness, nausea, a headache, increase of pulse and heartbeat, delays of water, fatigue, irritations on skin and dryness in a mouth.

Also side effects of use of nitrogen oxide are trouble breathing, a severe allergy or rash, a small tortoiseshell, an itch, an asthma, life-threatening complications of asthma, a sudden fever, perspiration, a tremor, vomiting and faints. In certain cases use of nitrogen oxide leads to the outbreaks of herpes, vasodilatation and bleedings.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.