Main > Drugs> Mistletoe


Омела – паразитическое растениеMistletoe – the perennial parasitic plant belonging to family Santalic.

Description and places of distribution

At a plant thin branches with narrow pair leaves and berries of yellow-white color. The plant expands in bushes of spherical shape, lodging highly in branches of old trees. The plant receives nutrients and moisture from a tree owner, starting the roots deeply under its bark. Prefers apple-trees, but it is possible to see it and on other trees with soft bark: a linden, a hawthorn, a chestnut, a poplar, an oak, a birch, and sometimes and on some coniferous trees. The plant is especially noticeable in the winter when from trees fly about leaves. The plant at the end of winter blossoms.

The mistletoe white in the Baltics, Central Europe, Belarus, Ukraine, the South of Russia, in East and Asia Minor, in the Caucasus meets.

In Northern and Eastern Europe the mistletoe painted very similar to a mistletoe white, only berries is widespread among it yellow-orange color. Each berry of a plant contains only one seed.

Scopes of a mistletoe

In ancient times of a branch of a plant were considered as a mascot. Men carried them with themselves, considering a protection symbol, and women believed that the plant is capable to help them to conceive the child.

Now the mistletoe as a medicinal plant and in chemical industry found the application.

Make the glue used for fight against flies and different wreckers of fruit breeds of berries of a mistletoe.

Chemical composition

Greens and branches of a plant contain alcohols (pinit, tserilovy alcohol, kvebrakhit, etc.), carbohydrates, saponinsoderzhashchy and bitter substances, fatty acids, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, pitches, amino acids, ursulovy and oleanolovy acids, acetylcholine, вискотоксин, ascorbic acid, sincaline, висцерин, V-viskol, and-viskol, beta carotene, macro - both microelements and a set of other active connections.

Treatment by a mistletoe

The mistletoe in official medicine found broad application. Escapes and leaves of a plant possess the knitting, soothing, wound healing, diuretic, vermifuge, antiinflammatory action. Treatment by a mistletoe is carried out at pulmonary, uterine, gastrointestinal and nasal bleedings, and also at an early climax. Treatment by a mistletoe with success is carried out at diseases of kidneys, arthritis, rheumatism, an atony of intestines, neuralgia, a hypertension, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, stenocardia and some other diseases.

Broth and tincture of a mistletoe possess the calming action. Tincture of a mistletoe is appointed at hysteria, epilepsy, a hyperexcitability, at spasms and diseases of a nervous system. Drink tincture of a mistletoe and broth at dizzinesses, breakdown and at advanced age, and also at an inflammation of lymph nodes.

Water broth of a mistletoe possesses vermifuge action. Drink it at headaches, a diarrhea, asthma, tuberculosis, a hypertension, painful periods, rheumatism and diseases of cardiovascular system.Омела белая

Tincture of the mistletoe which is cut off from a birch is fine krovoochistitelny means, and the plant which is cut off from a pine or an oak is used at treatment of a pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma and heart diseases.

At gout, rheumatism hypostases of lymph nodes, abscesses and cancer tumors foment from a plant.

At nasal and pulmonary bleedings apply liquid extract from young leaves of a plant.

Contraindications to use of a mistletoe

The mistletoe during pregnancy is contraindicated, at hypotonia and in case of individual intolerance.

It is not necessary to accept a plant when it is toxic as it can cause poisoning.

Berries of a plant are poisonous and capable to cause heavy disturbance of cardiovascular activity. Therefore it is necessary to carry out treatment by drugs on the basis of a plant only under strict control of the doctor.

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When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.