Main > Diseases> Pancreatitis


Short characteristic of a disease

Панкреатит - воспаление поджелудочной железыPancreatitis is a disease which is characterized by a pancreas inflammation. Normal the pancreas performs two important functions. First, the pancreas produces enzymes which, getting into a small intestine, are activated and participate in a proteopepsis, fats and carbohydrates. Secondly, this body produces hormone insulin which regulates glucose level in blood.

If owing to various reasons enzymes of a pancreas begin to be activated in body, there is a digestion of the gland and inflammatory process develops.

Distinguish two forms of pancreatitis: acute and chronic pancreatitis.

Acute pancreatitis

Most often occurs at stout women aged from 30 up to 60 years. The beginning of a disease is characterized by an acute girdle pain in an upper part of a stomach, most often after alcohol intake or greasy food. Pain can be easy, tolerant or very strong with irradiation in a shovel or a breast. Pain can be so strong that in certain cases at the patient shock or a collapse can develop. Nausea, vomiting, disturbance of a chair is observed. Owing to the complicated bile outflow skin and scleras accept yellowish coloring. Cyanosis of integuments of a stomach and a front abdominal wall is sometimes possible. Intoxication symptoms, language at acute pancreatitis are observed dry and it is laid over by a plaque.

At the beginning of a disease abdominal distention is observed, the abdominal wall at the same time remains soft. With development and progressing of acute pancreatitis the muscular tension and symptoms of irritation of a peritoneum is observed.

Acute pancreatitis can end with recovery or pass into a chronic form. Especially hard cases of acute pancreatitis can end with a lethal outcome.

Chronic pancreatitis

Основной симптомом панкреатита - боль в верхней половине животаDistinguish several forms of a disease: recurrent pancreatitis, latent, psevdogumorozny and sclerosing pancreatitis. Pain at chronic pancreatitis of various intensity, a pristupoobrazna or is constant. The main localization of pain – in an upper part of an abdominal wall with irradiation in a back, a thorax (the left part), the lower part of a stomach. Greasy heavy food, reception of alcoholic beverages, stresses and other factors can provoke developing of pain. Development of chronic pancreatitis is characterized by nausea, appetite loss, abdominal distention, disturbance of a chair, sometimes vomiting. Jaundice because of bile outflow disturbance is possible.

Chronic pancreatitis is characterized by the periods of remission and an aggravation. With the course of a disease the periods of an aggravation become even more often, development of intestinal frustration, disturbances of normal digestion, decrease in body weight is possible. Development of a diabetes mellitus is possible.

Chronic pancreatitis often gives complications among which there are gastric bleedings, cancer, cysts and abscesses, damage of a liver, a diabetes mellitus, a coloenteritis.

Pancreatitis reasons

Diseases of a gall bladder, the use of alcoholic beverages, stomach injuries, reception of some medicines, various infections, hormonal disturbances, vascular diseases, parasitic invasions, an operative measure on digestive tract are the main reasons for pancreatitis. At a third of patients it is not possible to establish an actual reason of developing of a disease.

Pancreatitis symptoms

The main symptom of pancreatitis is pain in an upper half of a stomach. Pain surrounding can be pristupoobrazny or constant. Use of analgetics and spasmolysants not always facilitates a state. Also vomiting, a diarrhea or a lock, nausea, dizzinesses and weakness is observed. Abdominal distention, an eructation can disturb. The patient loses flesh, appetite vanishes.

Symptoms of pancreatitis are brightly expressed. The disease proceeds hard and forces patients to ask for medical care.

Treatment of pancreatitis

Лечение панкреатита включает препараты, инактивирующие протеолитические ферментыTreatment of pancreatitis in an acute form demands finding of the patient in a hospital. At pain cold on area of a pancreas, medical starvation, alkaline drink is shown, suction via the stomach contents probe is possible. The diet at pancreatitis – proteinaceous and carbohydrate, assumes restriction of table salt, a milk exception. In process of fading of symptoms of pancreatitis the diet extends.

Medicinal treatment of pancreatitis assumes purpose of analgetics and spasmolysants (analginum, Baralginum), the drugs which are slowing down secretory function of a pancreas and stomach (Cimetidinum, atropine) and also the drugs inactivating proteolytic enzymes (пантрипин, Contrykal).

If conservative treatment of pancreatitis does not yeild tangible results, surgical intervention is shown.

Diet at pancreatitis

The diet at pancreatitis is used in case of chronic disease and during recovery.

The diet assumes decrease in energy value, strict restriction of fats and carbohydrates. It is impossible to accept products which promote gas generation in intestines, contain rough cellulose, stimulate development of a gastric juice.

The diet at pancreatitis assumes cooking on couple, cooking and roasting. It is impossible to use too hot or cold dishes.

At pancreatitis it is allowed to use tea with a lemon, the fruit and berry juice diluted with water without sugar, the dried white bread, unsweetened cookies. It is possible to use fermented milk products and low-fat cottage cheese.

Soup needs to be cooked without addition of meat with different vegetables: carrots, potatoes, vegetable marrows, with grain and macaroni. It is possible to add a little butter to soup or low-fat sour cream.

Meat - low-fat, preferably beef, veal, chicken, a turkey, a rabbit. To prepare boiled or on couple, it is possible to do chopped cutlets. Fish to use low-fat grades in a boiled look.

Диета при панкреатите - важная составляющая леченияThe diet at pancreatitis assumes consumption of semi-viscous porridges from various grain (buckwheat, porridge, a semolina, rice), and also pasta in a boiled look.

To use butter to 30 grams a day, vegetable – no more than 10-15 grams, adding to various dishes.

Patients can use various vegetables: carrots, potatoes, pumpkin, beet, green peas, vegetable marrows.

From fruit are resolved ripe and not acid.

Fresh fruit compotes should not contain a lot of sugar.

It is forbidden to eat various carbonated drinks, coffee, grape juice, cocoa.

The diet at pancreatitis assumes refusal of fresh bread and rich pastries, soups on a beef-infusion broth, cold soups (like okroshka), borsch, milk soups.

It is forbidden to use the eggs hard-boiled and the dishes prepared from whole eggs.

Under a ban fat meat, smoked products and sausages, offal.

It is impossible to use bean and friable porridges. It is worth limiting consumption of millet, corn, pearl-barley and barley grits.

You should not use a radish, cabbage, a garden radish, garlic, a sorrel, onions, sweet pepper, grapes, dates, a fig and bananas.

Patients need to refuse confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, various spices, alcoholic beverages, fat and cooking fats.

Whether you know that:

Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.