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Shepherd's bag

Application instruction:


Пастушья сумка - растение семейства крестоцветныхThere are many alternative names of a plant among which – a sumochnik and a sumochnik ordinary, buckwheat field, grytsyk, a mochalny grass and a cordial grass, a sumochnik shepherd's, a sparrow eye, the grandma, lebedets, hearts, cores, spoons, a koshelishka and mass of others.

The shepherd's bag has a set of types, in official botany there are about 25 pieces.

The ordinary shepherd's bag is an unpretentious, annual and eurysynusic plant which does not grow more than 30 cm. The sumochnik concerns to family of a cruciferae family. Feature of a plant are its fruits which have triangular shape, and small flowers of white-yellow color.

Sumochnik meets everywhere both in Russia, and in Ukraine. It can grow near roads, in parks and the yards, on the suburb of fields.

With the medical purpose use exclusively land part of a plant, it can be stalks, flowers and green fruits. Raw materials have to be prepared in the spring, in a blooming period. Dry a grass in a shadow, as a rule, on attics, spreading it very thin layer. The shepherd's bag is stored in dry rooms in boxes, paper or linen bags. The period of storage of the prepared raw materials should not exceed 3 years.


The most known properties of a shepherd's bag in medicine – styptic therefore the plant is good cure for any injuries, and also for uterine and pulmonary bleedings. At the same time, thanks to high content of active ingredients the grass is characterized by a set of medicinal properties.

The shepherd's bag enters a huge number of official collecting herbs which can have krovoochistitelny and styptic effect on an organism. Many collecting herbs with the maintenance of a sumochnik uses for treatment of pyelonephritis, cystitis, an urolithiasis. Use of a shepherd's bag is possible also for neutralization and a conclusion of toxins which were formed as a result of use of various oncological drugs. Such grass collecting is on sale in drugstores.

Properties of a shepherd's bag are not limited only described above, the plant has a weight more of other medical and useful characteristics. Among them – the vasodilating, wound healing, antiinflammatory, knitting, antifebrile and diuretic action on an organism.

Sumochnik finds recently broad application as the means regulating and leveling pressure which is applied at cardiac diseases that is especially characteristic of elderly people. That the result was maximum, it is recommended to use tea from a shepherd's bag.

The description of a shepherd's bag shows existence in this plant of a number of useful properties which can be disclosed in various broths, teas and infusions.

To prepare tea from a sumochnik, it is necessary to fill in with a glass of boiled water 2 of h l. the crushed grass to allow to infuse minutes 10, and then to filter. It is necessary to have tea in a warm look on 2 glasses a day.

Use of a shepherd's bag in the form of infusion is possible at pulmonary, renal, gastric and uterine bleedings, and also at plentiful periods. Infusion possesses good wound healing and antiinflammatory actions therefore it is recommended to use at any injuries.

Пастушья сумка, сухой чайный напитокTo prepare infusion from a shepherd's bag, it is necessary to fill in with a glass of boiled water a raw materials tablespoon, to allow mix to infuse for an hour, to filter. It is necessary to accept infusion three times a day on a tablespoon to food.

Infusions of a grass are used at gastritises, a peptic ulcer of a duodenum and a stomach, an intestines atony, vomiting, a diarrhea, cholelithiasis, dysentery, at cholecystitis, rheumatism and gout. Broth of a sumochnik and the crushed grass can be used outwardly as lotions which put on ulcers or wounds, and also to places of bruises.

Use of a shepherd's bag with the medical purpose is possible also in the form of spirit tincture or natural juice. Very often the sumochnik is used in the collecting intended for regulation of a menstrual cycle. The shepherd's bag is applied at hypotonia, atherosclerosis, a climax and dizziness. In this case it is necessary to use it in the form of tea.


Use of a plant at hemorrhoids, pregnancy or the increased coagulability of blood is strictly forbidden.

Thrombophlebitis – also strong reason for a contraindication to a shepherd's bag.

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