Main > Medical specialties> Pediatrician


The pediatrician is engaged in diagnosis and treatment of diseases at children and teenagers before achievement of age of 18 years by them. The anatomo-physiological features which are considered by the pediatrician in the work are inherent to each age period of the child.

Педиатр – это врач, который следит за здоровьем ребенка с первых дней его жизни

On the basis of pediatric preparation narrower specialization is carried out. So, the pediatrician who watches development and health of the child since the birth and during the first 28 days of life is неонатолог. This pediatrician most often works in maternity hospital, helping the kid right after his birth. Diseases of the newborn child have the specifics, and differ from diseases of children of more advanced age. Neonatologu it is necessary to face such states as a hemolitic and hemorrhagic disease of newborns, effects of birth trauma, asphyxia, pairing jaundice, etc.

Children can receive medical care on reception of the pediatrician in out-patient conditions of policlinic or in a specialized pediatric hospital. The pediatrician enters into pediatric crew of emergency medical service, he gives the emergency help to sick children. On child care facilities (schools, kindergartens, the camp) the pediatrician always has to be on the staff.

District doctor

In out-patient conditions development and health of children are monitored by the district doctor. He observes children from the moment of an extract from a maternity home before achievement of age of 18 years by them. The principle of succession plays in work of the pediatrician nearly the most important role because allows to estimate development, growth and incidence of the child in dynamics that considerably simplifies medical work. The more than one pediatrician know about the child, the more effectively he can deal with issues of his treatment.

Implementation of succession is helped by the principle of an uchastkovost when a certain territory with the children living on it is assigned to one doctor. According to pediatricians such system showed the greatest efficiency.

Belongs to duties of the local pediatrician:

  • Assessment of psychological and physical development of children;
  • Appointment and assessment of necessary laboratory and tool inspection;
  • Drawing up an individual calendar of vaccination;
  • Treatment and prevention of various diseases;
  • Rehabilitation of children with chronic diseases;
  • Organization of rational feeding of children of the first year of life.

If the child got sick, the pediatrician visits him at home. Most often high temperature, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pains become a reason for consultation of the pediatrician at home. In structure of acute incidence on the site respiratory and intestinal infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, infections of urinary tract, allergic dermatitis, food intolerance prevail.

As soon as the health of the child improves, parents independently bring it into policlinic on reception to the pediatrician.

Epidemiological work on responses of pediatricians is important in prevention of spread of infectious diseases. The pediatrician controls terms of isolation of the child with an infectious infectious disease (quarantine), makes recommendations to parents on the organization of a nosotrophy by the child for the purpose of his speedy recovery, informs bodies of an epidemiological surveillance on a case of infectious incidence.

The pediatrician makes dispensary observation for children with chronic diseases:

  • Hearts (defects, myocardites, etc.);
  • Kidneys (malformations, hydronephrosis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.);
  • Lungs (mucoviscidosis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, etc.);
  • Closed glands (diabetes mellitus, growth disorder and puberty), etc.

Such children undergo profound inspection and courses of rehabilitation treatment. According to pediatricians effectively only regular treatment of chronicities. Often include sanatorium treatment in complex rehabilitation.

Parents regularly address for consultation the pediatrician concerning the prevention of diseases, healthy nutrition, the organization of the regime of the child. Also consultation of the pediatrician and permission from it are necessary before the child's trip to the camp, sanatorium or on sports competitions.

The help of the pediatrician in the conditions of a hospital

When the condition of the child demands special inspection and treatment, he is hospitalized in a pediatric hospital. Pediatric department can be the general profile (as a part of multi-field hospitals) or specialized (gastroenterological, pulmonary, allergological) if hospital only for children. In such departments pediatricians have the corresponding narrow specialization.

Medical work of the pediatrician in a hospital is that it:

  • Collects the anamnesis of life and a disease of the child;
  • Objectively examines it;
  • Appoints and estimates analyses and tool inspection;
  • Appoints drugs and procedures, calculates a dosage of drugs;
  • Controls the course of treatment and a condition of the child in dynamics;
  • Keeps medical documentation.

If necessary to the pediatrician of consultation from other specialists he calls them for survey of the child. At some states it is required to exclude surgical, infectious, allergic diseases.

Only the pediatrician can execute a part of medical and diagnostic manipulations.

Whether you know that:

The most rare disease – a disease the Kura. Only representatives of the tribe Faure in New Guinea are ill it. The patient dies of laughter. It is considered that eating of a human brain is an origin of a disease.