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Quail eggs

Quail eggs are eggs of quails - small birds of group kuroobrazny, having a spotty color of plumage. Feature of quails consists in high temperature of a body - about 42 degrees Celsius thanks to what the bird is very steady against different influence of infections. Lack of need for vaccination, and also existence of small "respiratory" openings in a shell of the quail eggs preventing risks of infection with a salmonellosis is the reason of safety and ecological purity of a product.

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Quail egg possesses a unique susceptibility to long storage: they I can keep nutritious and tastes at contents within a month at the room temperature and about 60 days - in the refrigerator.

Difference of quail eggs from chicken consists in the tiny sizes (1 quail egg weighs about 10 grams), specific coloring (in a small brown speck) and more valuable structure: in spite of the fact that this small egg is five times less chicken, the maintenance of such macrocells, irreplaceable for a human body, as phosphorus, iron and calcium in egg of a quail is much higher.

Advantage of quail eggs

Quail egg is the real a well of vitamins and dietary supplements, promoting treatment and prevention of many known diseases.

Immunomodulatory properties of quail eggs allow to include this product in a diet of patients and the weakened people. In Japan, for example, there is a useful tradition: to serve two quail eggs for breakfast in kindergartens and schools. The vitamin and proteinaceous and mineral complex which is a part of eggs of quails helps to speed up work of brain cells that promotes its best development.

One quail egg, on average, consists of protein for 12-14% and a complex of vitamins and microelements.

The B1 vitamin which is a part of quail eggs serves as the means stimulating work of a digestive tract, increase in appetite, vitality, allowing to cure muscular weakness, nausea, locks, bystry fatigue.

B2 vitamin improves a metabolism, supports muscles in operating state, promotes processes of growth at children.

The niacin (RR vitamin) which is not destroyed at heat treatment treats frustration of a nervous system, a skin peeling, improves work of a liver and pancreas.

Carotinoids interfere with developing of "night blindness", inflammatory diseases of mucous membranes.

Calcium prevents emergence of rickets, promotes a healthy condition of a musculoskeletal system, normalizes action of the heart.

High content of phosphorus causes properties of quail eggs to saturate with nutrients a prostate at men, recovering a potentiality, according to the Bulgarian scientists, it is better than medicines.

Also the advantage of quail eggs is caused by absence in their structure of high doses of cholesterol thanks to what emergence of atherosclerotic plaques is slowed down, obesity is warned, hemoglobin in blood raises and arterial pressure is normalized.

Unlike eggs, quail do not cause an allergy; besides, they also promote its treatment by means of special protein - the ovomoktsid allocated from quail eggs for production of antiallergic drugs.

The lysozyme which is contained in structure of eggs of quails makes negative impact on development of cancer cells, and also promotes removal from body tissues of radionuclides - for this reason quail eggs are recommended for the use to the people who underwent high radoactive radiation.

Useful properties of quail eggs extend to all human organs, promoting treatment of diseases of a liver, kidneys, hearts, a thyroid gland, a stomach, a gall bladder, a nervous system. The regular use of quail eggs yields good results at treatment of tuberculosis, a diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, epilepsy, vegeto-vascular dystonia.

Quail eggs also are useful to female health: the product improves a condition of the woman at pregnancy, facilitates toxicosis, enriches an organism with vitamins, microelements and amino acids, both during incubation of the child, and in a puerperal period, and also during breastfeeding, increasing a lactation.

Салат с перепелиными яйцами

Caloric content and nutrition value of quail eggs

Caloric content of 100 grams of an edible part of quail eggs makes 168 kcal. From them:

  • Proteins - 11,9 g;
  • Fats - 13,1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0,6 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids - 3,7 g;
  • Cholesterol - 600 mg;
  • Mono - and disaccharides - 0,6 g;
  • Calcium - 54 mg;
  • Sodium - 115 mg;
  • Magnesium - 32 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 218 mg;
  • Chlorine - 147 mg;
  • Sulfurs - 124 mg;
  • Gland - 3,2 mg;
  • Copper - 112 mkg;
  • It is lame - 14 mkg;
  • Manganese - 0,03 mg;
  • Molybdenum - 2 mkg;
  • Cobalt - 14 mkg.

Harm of quail eggs

In spite of the fact that the content of cholesterol in quail eggs many times is less, than in chicken, it is not necessary to use more than five eggs of quails a day to the people having atherosclerosis and diabetes.

It is proved that at internal contents of quail egg there are causative agents of intestinal infections less often - however, it does not mean that bacteria of a salmonellosis avoid this product at all. The fragile shell of eggs of quails is easily damaged, and through the smallest cracks the infection nevertheless can get inside. To prevent risks of infection with a salmonellosis, it is necessary to subject a product to heat treatment before the use and to watch that quail eggs on your table were fresh.

Of course, harm of quail eggs is much less, than their advantage. However, in spite of the fact that quail eggs contain a lot of protein, it does not make sense to abuse this product: it will be difficult to organism to digest a large amount of protein suddenly. There is an opinion that for weight reduction it is necessary to use about 200-300 quail eggs. And so, you should not "work for an advancing" - optimum amount of eggs of quails which can be used in days without harm for health - 3-4 pieces for the adult, 2 pieces - for the child.

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