Main > Diseases> The acquired heart diseases

The acquired heart diseases

Short characteristic of a disease

Приобретенные пороки сердцаThe acquired heart disease – the damage of heart valves developing unlike inborn defect, during the patient's life, is more often at mature age.

Emergence reasons

The acquired heart disease develops most often because of rheumatism, atherosclerosis, an infectious endocarditis. More rare – because of injuries, diseases of connecting fabric (a dermatomyositis, a scleroderma, Bekhterev's disease), syphilis, degenerative pathologies of shutters of heart with inclusion of salts of lime.

Development of a disease looks so: in shutters of valves inflammatory process which damages them begins, destroys and leads to emergence of hems. Because of disturbance of operation of valves heart begins to work with excessive loading, the thickening of cordial departments appears. After that cardial cavities extend, sokratitelny function of a muscle of heart decreases, symptoms of heart failure appear.

Mark out the compensated defect and dekompensirovanny. If defect is not followed by signs of a lack of blood circulation, it is considered compensated if such signs appear – dekompensirovanny.

Symptoms of the acquired heart disease

Symptoms of the acquired heart disease differ depending on disease type.

At a mitral stenosis the left auricle, in it and in veins which fall into it extends, pressure decreases. The patient has a short wind which at loading is complicated by a pneumorrhagia and cough. In more difficult cases the attack of cardiac asthma or hypostasis of a lung can begin. Complexion of the patient – pinkish, it observes heartbeat, interruptions in cardiac performance. Such symptoms of the acquired defect of this look are also known: pain in epigastriums, hypostasis of extremities, pain in right hypochondrium.

At insufficiency of the mitral valve blood at reductions of a left ventricle again partially gets to the left auricle. The patient complains of an asthma, weakness, heartbeat. A basis a symptom of the acquired heart disease – noise of systolic character in a heart top, is also noted a myocardium hypertrophy to the left and up.

At aortic incompetence there is no full smykaniye of aortal valves during a diastole therefore blood is returned to a left ventricle. Complaints of the patient: heartbeat, long pains at exercise stresses, an asthma.

Characteristic symptoms of defect of this type of heart disease – pallor, a pulsation in arteries in a neck. The apical beat of heart is displaced to the left and down.

Diagnosis of a disease

At survey the doctor, having listened to complaints of the patient, having measured pulse, pressure, listens to heart. If there is a suspicion on emergence of heart disease, to the patient appoint to undergo additional inspection.

For definition of the acquired defect conduct X-ray inspection – so estimate a condition of lungs, the size of heart and its cameras.

The electrocardiogram is useful to diagnosis of disturbances of a rhythm and frequency of heart.

According to an ekhokardiogramma study work of heart valves, learn the size of cameras of heart, obtain data on thickness and work of a cardiac muscle.

It is also possible to carry out catheterization and the angiogram – so determine pressure in heart cameras, blood volume, estimate ability of heart to force blood, operation of its valves and arterial passability

Treatment of the acquired heart disease

Treatment of the acquired heart diseases comes down to the fact that to the patient the image and the mode of life which would correspond to a condition of bodies of blood circulation taking into account extent of damage of heart is selected.

Лечение приобретенных пороков сердца в большинстве случаев показано хирургическоеIn view of the fact that the medicines capable at the physical level to correct the disturbances which led to heart disease no, treatment of the acquired heart diseases in most cases is shown surgical. If there is an opportunity, to the patient correct the defect found in the operational way: carry out a valvulotomy (do a section of accrete leashes of valves of heart) or valvuloplasty (recover operation of the valve). If the valve is damaged so that it is not possible to recover it, it is changed. Valves make from artificial and biological materials.

Drug treatment of the acquired defect is appointed only with the purpose to stabilize a heart rhythm, to cure and warn heart failure, complications and a recurrence of the basic disease which caused heart disease.

Prevention of a disease

For prevention of the acquired heart disease diseases which can cause damage of valves of heart treat.

Most often the acquired defect arises because of rheumatism therefore it is important to reveal and eliminate a streptococcal infection timely.

Often at rheumatism to patients in addition appoint prevention Bicillinum (an antibiotic of long action): the drug is administered for a year monthly. At the same time if there is a suspicion of heart disease, constant observation at the cardiologist is shown to such patient.

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