Main > Medical specialties> Pathologist


The pathologist – the doctor studying influence of professional features of work and unfavorable conditions of work on health of the person. Also development of methods of early identification, medico-social rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of patients with occupational diseases falls within the scope of duties of the pathologist.

Профпатолог – врач, изучающий влияние профессиональных особенностей труда и неблагоприятных условий работы на здоровье человека

The pathologist rather young profession which was allocated from various directions of medicine. In Russia it arose in 1994. Before the scientific research institute and some medical schools were engaged in studying of impact of professional factors on health of the person.

Pathologist's tasks

Pathologists work in the centers of professional pathology and in other treatment and prevention facilities, closely cooperating with the public sanitary and epidemiologic service.

As a result of the analysis of the state of health of the people working in harmful and dangerous working conditions, the pathologist makes the conclusion. The conclusion of the pathologist usually contains the plan for holding the actions reducing risk of development of dangerous occupational diseases. Also treats duties of the pathologist:

  • Assistance in holding complex recreational and preventive actions which are directed to reduction трудопотерь, caused by diseases and disability;
  • Taking measures to decrease in level of influence as the general, and professional risk factors on health;
  • The direction of victims and patients in public service of medico-social examination and control of definition of extent of loss of professional and general working capacity by them;
  • Preparation of recommendations about maintaining and treatment of the diseased in medical institutions;
  • Implementation of the organizational and methodical help to healthcare institutions.

Occupational diseases which the pathologist treats

Occupational diseases which the pathologist observes and treats happen:

  • Acute which arise in time or right after influence of unhealthy factors of the person;
  • Chronic, arising because of continuous influence of harmful factors.

The main objective of the conclusion of the pathologist is establishment of communication of action of harmful production factors on a human body. The doctor bears responsibility for reliability and validity of the made conclusions, and timeliness of the direction of victims on production in medical institutions for performing necessary treatment.

For drawing up the conclusion the pathologist performs preliminary and periodic medical examinations of employees of the enterprises.

The big group of people whose work is connected with influence of dust factors is subject to diseases of lungs. Inhalation of production dust is resulted by substitution of normal pulmonary fabric with fibrous. Pathologists allocate depending on a type of the inhaled dust:

  • Metalconioses – a siderosis, a berylliosis, an aluminosis;
  • Silikatoza – a talcosis, asbestosis, цементоз;
  • Karbokonioza – графитоз, an anthracosis;
  • Pneumoconiosis from the mixed and organic dust of flax, cotton, books, grain.

At the diseases resulting from influences of chemical factors, the conclusion of the pathologist has to include not only a type of the metal which caused a disease (mercury, lead, manganese), but also recommendations about preventive measures.

In an organism and to diseases lead various physical factors which watch to a wide range of disturbances:

  • Vibrations which cause a vibration disease;
  • Noise which results in professional neurosensory relative deafness;
  • Atmospheric pressure that can lead to development lacunar or a hypobaropathy;
  • Electromagnetic radiation;
  • Ionizing radiation that causes a radial illness;
  • The increased or lowered temperature that can lead to overheating of an organism, heatstroke, a convulsive state, overcooling or a frostbite.

Also diseases get to a circle of attention of the pathologist:

  • Caused by impact of biological factors on health – a malignant anthrax, tuberculosis, сап, a brucellosis, tick-borne encephalitis;
  • Connected with an overstrain of systems of a human body and various bodies – a varicosity of the lower extremities, myofibroses, a periarthrosis, radiculopathies.

How to receive the pathologist's profession

To work as the pathologist it is necessary to graduate from medical school in "Medical business" then to have the postdegree training including special professional educational programs of primary specialization in an internship and a clinical internship.

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