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Intestines cancer

Стадии развития рака кишечникаCancer of intestines is the malignant tumor of a mucous membrane of a gut. Cancer can develop in any department of intestines, most often the disease meets in a large intestine. Cancer of intestines is very widespread, and incidence of it continues to increase, and in economically developed countries the frequency of incidence is highest. Now cancer of intestines takes the second place among oncological diseases on emergence frequency among people of advanced age.

People in an age group after 45 years, the man and the woman to the same extent are most subject to this disease, each 10 years the frequency of incidence increases by 10%. Cancer of intestines differs on a histologic structure, it develops in 96% of cases from ferruterous cells of a mucous membrane (adenocarcinoma).

Intestines cancer reasons

Allocate three the main a symptom of cancer of intestines:

  • Genetic predisposition. If in a family there are cases of intestines cancer, then family members enter into risk group. And if for any of family members it is diagnosed intestines polyposes, it also speaks about genetic premises of developing of malignant cancer of intestines.
  • Tumoral and inflammatory diseases of intestines. Usually cancer of intestines is preceded by the chronic diseases called by precancers. Polyps, adenomas, chronic ulcer colitis, a disease Krone belong to such diseases. These diseases are not malignant, but being not cured, create premises for developing of cancer of intestines.
  • Diet poor in vegetable fibers, and rich with greasy proteinaceous food. Such food promotes emergence of developments of stagnation in intestines, locks and mechanical irritation of walls of a gut dense packed fecal masses. Gastroenterologists consider that such food became the main reason of spread of cancer of intestines among the people living in economically safe countries.

Intestines cancer symptoms

The disease can proceed a long time asymptomatically, often the first symptoms of cancer of intestines are accepted to the colitis phenomena. The main symptom of cancer of intestines in an early stage is the blood in fecal masses getting there from the site affected with a tumor. Blood can be imperceptible therefore carrying out the preventive analysis a calla on the occult blood to all people entering into risk group is important.

Symptoms depend on a stage of cancer of intestines and on its arrangement. For tumors of the right department ponosa, an abdominal pain and availability of blood in Calais, and afterwards an iron deficiency anemia as a result of constant blood loss, are characteristic of tumors of the left department – locks and abdominal distention. The dispeptic phenomena belong to symptoms of cancer of intestines persistent (the lasting more than two weeks): nausea, an eructation, feeling of weight in a stomach, a loss of appetite, an irregular chair.

One more of characteristic symptoms of cancer of intestines – emergence of disgust for meat food. In process of progressing of a disease, symptoms of poisoning of an organism with decomposition products of a tumor join the listed symptoms of cancer of intestines: the general decrease in a tone, breakdown, pallor of integuments, emaciation, the increased nervousness.

At late stages of cancer of intestines there are metastasises – the affiliated tumors arising from distribution of cancer cells on lymphatic or to blood vessels. Intestines cancer metastasises on lymphatic ways are transferred to regional lymph nodes, then to lymph nodes of a small pelvis and a mesentery, a hematogenous way - to lungs and a liver. Most often metastasises of cancer of intestines meet in a liver.

Diagnosis of cancer of intestines

Diagnosis of cancer of intestines at early stages of a disease as the disease differs in a slow current is extremely important, and the measures in time taken can eliminate completely intestines cancer if he did not go too far. The diagnosis is made after carrying out the next researches:

  • Radiodiagnosis of intestines (irrigoskopiya). Represents a X-ray analysis of walls of intestines after introduction by means of an enema of X-ray contrast substance for what the baric suspension is used.
  • Retromanoskopiya. The research of the site of intestines from an anus on depth of 30 cm, is conducted by the special device allowing the doctor to see an intestines wall.
  • Kolonoskopiya. A research of the site of intestines from an anus on depth to 100 cm.
  • Laboratory research a calla on the occult blood.
  • KT, MRT allow to define localization of a tumor, and also existence or lack of metastasises.

Cancer therapy of intestines

Ягоды ежевики - мощное средство при профилактике рака кишечникаIrrespective of an intestines cancer stage, the main method of its treatment is the surgical oncotomy. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, cancer therapy of intestines can be sparing, in this case the tumor is removed endoscopic, by means of a retromanoskop or a colonoscope. In other cases band operation with a section in an abdominal wall is required. The site of a gut affected with a tumor is excised, edges of intestines are sewed among themselves. In certain cases operation is carried out in two steps: at the first stage the tumor is excised, and intestines are removed in an artificial opening on one side, kolosty. At the second stage of a kolostom is removed, sites of intestines are sewed among themselves, and natural allocation a calla through a rectum anus is recovered.

For cancer therapy of intestines use also chemotherapy and radiation. At early stages these methods are used as auxiliary at the basic surgical, and are prevention of metastasises and a palindromia. At late, inoperable stages, the chemotherapy and radiation help to relieve pain and to improve the general condition of the patient.


The forecast directly depends on at what stage of cancer of intestines treatment was begun. If the disease was diagnosed at an early stage when the tumor did not go beyond a mucous membrane, five-year survival after an oncotomy and the carried-out adequate cancer therapy of intestines makes about 97%. At defeat of all wall of a gut without formation of metastasises – about 60%, in the presence of metastasises the forecast sharply worsens and if there are remote metastasises, five-year survival makes no more than 35%.

Prevention of cancer of intestines

Regular routine medical examinations, especially are necessary for the people entering into risk group on this disease for prevention of cancer of intestines. The balanced diet, with high content of rough vegetable fibers and fermented milk products, and the lowered content of animal fats, and also the fried and smoked food is extremely important. It is necessary to monitor regular bowel emptying and to timely take measures for elimination of locks.

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